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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Kalimullin R.F. THE CONCEPT OF INCREASE OF DURABILITY OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINES AT OPERATION Discrepancy between parameters of real and design functioning of bearings of cranked shaft at operation of automobile engines leads to an intensification of wear of bearings and, as a result, decrease in durability of automobile engines. The solution of this problem on the basis of providing at stages of a running in and operation of engines of liquid greasing in bearings, can be one of reserves of increase of their durability. For realization of such reserve in article scientific and methodical justification of improvement of methods and control devices and management of lubricant processes is given in bearings of a cranked shaft during the operation of the engine. As the parameter for control and management of lubricant process it is offered to use integrated extent of existence of a lubricant layer. The formula for calculation of a resource of bearings on the basis of which criterion function of ensuring maloiznosny operation of automobile engines is defined is received. Theoretical research of influence on a resource of bearings of a cranked shaft of change of quality of lubricant process at a running in and operation is conducted — on the modes of start-up, idling and loading. Possibility of increase of a resource due to management of lubricant processes is proved. The main results of management of lubricant processes at a bench running in are given, when diagnosing, in the modes of start-up and loading.Key words: bearings of a cranked shaft, lubricant process, wear, operation, automobile engine.


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About this article

Author: Kalimullin R.F.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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