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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Mishuchkov А.А. MUSLIM STRATEGY PROJECT DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONSThe international organization "Alliance of Civilizations" has played an important role in the development of partnerships in the relations between civilizations of East and West. The discussion was developed Muslim strategy of dialogue with the international community, which is highly significant in a situation of collision trends of globalization and traditionalism in the modern world. For example, the program documents of international organizations — the "Alliance of Civilizations", the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference Cooperation systematized philosophical and political preconditions for the emergence of Islamic principles and the project of the "dialogue of civilizations" as a new regulatory approach to international fair multipolar world order. The main principles of dialogue are: the peaceful and stable development of civilizations on the basis of cooperation and mutual enrichment, c. mplementarity and civilizational experience of East and West, the inclusion of traditional values in the system of international law, the institutionalization of a dialogue of civilizations in global civil society, strengthening the system of international and national security. The strategy of the Muslim of the "dialogue of civilizations" aimed at the growth of civilizational identity, unity and identity of Muslims all over the world in connection with the challenges of globalization and Westernization; strengthening the peace movement in the fight against extremism, terrorism and the outbreak of war; overcoming Islamophobia in the cultural dialogue and the media; humanization of the image of the Muslim world in the eyes of the world community; Muslims gain an effective role in international politics. A key issue in the dialogue of civilizations is an understanding between the civilizational project of globalism and traditionalism, c. vilizations consensus between the values of inclusive liberal societies of the West and the values of the exclusive non-liberal societies of the East, the implementation of the rights and freedoms of international law in the traditional system of society, while maintaining the sacred core values, developed the world's religions.Key words: dialogue of civilizations, the Alliance of Civilizations, the League of Arab States, Organization of the Islamic Conference cooperation, fundamentalism, islamophobia, civilizational discourse, the institutionalization of a dialogue of civilizations, international security, cultural diversity.


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About this article

Author: Mishuchkov A.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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