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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Kargapoltseva S.M. IMAGE CREATING PROECTIONS OF PEDAGOGICAL VIEWDialogic context of education, is equal to the maximum life understanding of educational co-beingness, and causes the extreme importance of a humanistic (humanizes, image creating) potential ingenuous, personal, trust and, ideally, loving communication "face to face", believing thereby sight component of pedagogical relationship as the most important factor of spiritual and moral formation and development of the pupil. In the integral of the formation of aesthetic attribution "sight form giftig" "selfless admiration" and "self-sufficient contemplation" loving gaze of the teacher, being the direct guide of the life-giving power of love, sympathetic kindness and supportive care projective intentions uplifting pro-visions approves truly human, humane, beautiful, and therefore "good" image/shape of the pupil, is a true guardian of his person in his own "look at themselves" and making other sight. If a pupil does not feel beautiful in the eyes of the teacher, with a high probability of its educational development will be deprived of an important spiritual and moral positive image creating, sight gifting, entailing for self-projection of the actual pedagogical relationship is genuine, deep essence of which lies the unconditional (loving) approving of high and beautiful potential (possible) in optimizing the status of the actual (real and present). Sight component of teachers' attitudes, project-imaginative realizing the spiritual and moral, personal (face, image) elevating potential of faith, hope, love, repeatedly verifiable in their raising, as well as training importance in the pedagogical heritage of the past and the present, which is certainly shows undeniable presence in the nomenclature number of pedagogical tools image creating potential of positive sight projection.Key words: attitude, sight, projection, image, face, reception.


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About this article

Author: Kargapoltsev S.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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