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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Soldatkina O.V. THE CONTROL SYSTEM BAKING COMPANYOverall performance of the enterprises of any branch of economy substantially depends on management efficiency which is understood as stability of economic development and increase of level of competitiveness of the made production and the rendered services today. Now development of baking branch of Russia is interfaced to existence of a number of problems. For 2007—2014 the tendency of decrease in production of bakery products for 1,5—3 % annually is observed. It occurs for the following reasons: the financial position of many enterprises remains unstable, profitability of branch doesn't exceed 2,5—3 %, the level of an average salary for 25—30 % is lower than an average on economy, there is no regional infrastructure of bread baking. Besides, degree of physical wear of the main business assets is high, at the majority of the enterprises it makes 50—70 %, and the efficiency of capacities is at the level of 39—41 %. The Russian baking industry still is at a transition stage from mass production to mass sale, it is characterized by that the enterprises seek to minimize prime cost, try to carry out active marketing and price policy for the purpose of optimization of profitability of the enterprise in the short term. Today to the baking enterprises it is necessary not only to carry out continuous monitoring of a condition of the internal environment, but also to develop such control system which will allow to react to the changes happening in environment and by that will increase competitiveness of the enterprise in the market quickly. In article the enterprise management system of the baking industry allowing to strengthen positions of the enterprise in the market and to increase its competitiveness is offered. The developed control system considers features of the Russian baking industry and feature of activity of the enterprises of the baking industry, and also will promote formation of a flexible and adaptive enterprise management system in general. Key words: control system, strategy of the enterprise, food industry, baking industry, c. mpetitiveness of the baking enterprise.


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About this article

Author: Soldatkina O.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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