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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Perminova M.S. TO THE QUSTION OF THE ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES IN INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCTION (ILLUSTRATED ORENBURG)Under present conditions the Russian state should be built on the basis of such a society, where people will be social activity, have a positive outlook on life, have significant spiritual qualities. The basis of such a society may be young people who have all the necessary personal qualities. However, there is a major problem that arises in front of many social institutions — is how to educate and train the younger generation, and how to further engage in socially useful activities of the state. The most appropriate way to create such conditions — it is to attract young people to volunteer work. Volunteering allows the individual to develop spiritually, to gain knowledge, experience and skills in the areas and structures of interest to the young man. Consequently, young people on their own initiative will be better able to pass all the stages of socialization with the support of the state and society. In the scientific literature, there are many approaches to addressing volunteer activities. Note that in many definitions emphasizes three main features of volunteering: there is no compulsion in the work, there is no material reward, is the direction for the benefit of individuals, society and the individual. However, many researchers have noted this phenomenon, that the individual must have a high motivation for this kind of activity and a number of personality traits that support the results of the sociological research involving the author. This sociologicalresearch has allowed us to make a number of recommendations to optimize the performance of volunteer centers at institutions of higher education: to enhance public awareness of the activities of the volunteer center; develop youth volunteering program in the education system; develop a framework volunteer center; to carry out a set of activities and trainings for volunteers to train different skills, abilities; expand financing volunteer center; develop a system of incentives volunteers. Creating a volunteer center at a university, you can get an effective instrument of state policy in the sphere of social and youth policy, education and employment of students.Key words: young people, social activities, volunteering, volunteer, motivation of volunteers, volunteer centers.


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About this article

Author: Perminova M.S.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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