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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Popov V.B. THE INTRODUCTION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE INSTITUTE ZEMSTVO CHIEFS IN THE PROVINCE OF ORENBURGThe article offers an analysis of the law on County chiefs from 12 July 1889, provides assessment of its substantive provisions. The contents of this article suggests that the law on County chiefs was not exclusively aristocratic and "limited". Institute of Zemstvo chiefs was to strengthen authoritative supervision of the peasants, to reduce the intensity of social contradictions in the village, to centralize and organize the activities of bodies of local self-government. Summary. Institute of Zemstvo chiefs, as a special type of local government was introduced in the process of reforms of Alexander III and was an important stage in the formation of governance structures at the local level. The reason for the establishment of the Zemstvo chiefs was the need to restore order in the village, which led to a diversity of projects to streamline peasant life.Almost all of them boiled down to the need to establish administrative control over the peasant population. Nobility is fascinated by the new law, as evidenced addresses directed to Alexander III noble collections of various provinces of Russia. No wonder, because it was a return to this bar still influence and was a means for economic advancement at the expense of public service. The class interests of the nobility and the public interest of the government at this stage was identical.In the Orenburg province originally Cossack territory Institute of Zemstvo district chiefs was not introduced, but 19 February 1894, after a lengthy discussion, the Main Department of the Cossack troops ordered to extend the validity of the law on County chiefs and military lands. In Ufa province division into areas demanded a quick solution to the issue of the subdivision Bashkir same. The law of 1890 was recognized as "the Zemstvo case is a matter of state, and provincial agencies — state and subdued them in court against the rules established for the conduct of Affairs of state institutions.Analyzing legislative acts, it should be noted that the law on County chiefs was not exclusively aristocratic and "limited".Analyzing legislative acts, it should be noted that the law on County chiefs was not exclusively aristocratic and "limited".It should also be noted that the extension of power and control activities of township officers and clerks, village chiefs, was really caused by the need.Compared with the draft law was amended primarily editorial in nature. Despite the establishment of educational qualification, the law provided for the possibility of appointment to the position of the Zemstvo of the head, and persons who did not have secondary education.A local Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs, 1291 Fund RGIA, contains information, according to which we can conclude that the number of persons held the position of Zemstvo head and had higher and secondary education, no less than those who graduated only colleges that shows quite a high level of education among these officials.The law of 1889 was designed to create institutions that vozvrashalsya nobility significant share of its former estate, the police authorities. Undoubtedly, the law on County chiefs had serious shortcomings and was far from ideal.Two decades of the post-reform development has revealed a number of negative moments in the life of the Russian village. This weakness officials of rural self-government and insufficient activity of the volost courts, as well as the increase in rural crime. Thus the elements of administrative control that carried the law, were important. It should also be noted that the very form of guardianship is quite consistent with traditional installations peasant paternalism. Thus, the introduction of guardianship over village self-government consistent with the objective needs of the Russian village of the late XIX — early XX centuries.Key words: district chief, local government, Orenburg province, province in the country business presence.


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About this article

Author: Popov V.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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