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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Strelets J.Sh. UTOPIA AS A CIVILIZATION PRESUSHCHESTVLENIYE RESOURCE IN CULTUREIt is useful to look at an immemorial question of a gumanitaristika of a ratio of culture and a civilization through a prism of the concept "utopia" which has both positive, and negative connotations. About a utopia speak as about the "fruitless" and "bezosnovny" dream which isn't considering social and economic realities. But also it designates the highest and limit prospects of development of object, its desirable or due, perfect condition valuable not only in itself, but also as something motivating the person, promoting his transtsenzus — to transition through possible or imaginable borders. The culture as the spiritual and humanitarian party of human activity accumulates in itself this movement to the highest and ideal, is a product (and process) sublimations of all energiya of the person and mankind in the direction to complete perfection, to the Absolute. The civilization as the technical and technological party of activity of society acts as the necessary stabilizer of human development; as cash in space and time ("here and now") it resists to "eternal cash" due, ideals, etc. According to N.A. Berdyaev, a civilization — a product of "necrosis" of culture, its "cooling", that is the basis of such negative processes and tendencies in culture of modern society as its dehumanization, an omassovleniye and degradation in the authentic quality. Utopia, being the vital statement of need due in real, ethical judgment of human life, can be a source of cultural sublimation, a real resource of a presushchestvleniye (realization, transformation) civilizations in culture. In anthropological aspect this process is identical to individual self-determination. The person, adapting for the world, its technological rules (civilization), has to keep "limit", "measure" of the possible variability to please to this process and its requirements. This limit is set by freedom and itself sets the scale of this freedom; choosing due as real higher order, than ordinary real", moving on utopian lines of self-development, the person finds himself, the freedom, the cultural contents. Continuous domination in our life of the cultural beginning over civilization, free over necessary, self-determination over all forms of external influence and influence appears sense of human existence. Thus, the utopia "okulturivat" a civilization, doing possible its advance in the external — social — space and internal — human.Key words: utopia, dream, freedom, civilization, culture, time and eternity.


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About this article

Author: Strelets Yu.Sh.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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