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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Eliseeva M.V. ASYMMETRY STEPPE LANDSCAPE AS A FACTOR PREDURALIE INHOMOGENEOUS SOILSThe steppe region is characterized by a complex geomorphology, landscape asymmetry. River valley Common Syrt, located on the territory of steppe of the Ural and have an asymmetrical structure, which is expressed in raznoslojnost interfluvial spaces, as well as in the different typological placement of landscaping on these slopes. The watershed areas one slope is always the slope of the southern exposure, it receives a greater amount of solar radiation compared with smooth surface watersheds and with a different slope in the opposite direction. This affects the functioning of the whole ecosystem and its separate elements, including determines the direction of the processes of soil formation in asymmetric sloping landscapes. The influence of asymmetrical contrast (North-South) watersheds on the processes of soil formation in the steppe zone. It is established that the disproportion of the watershed areas associated heterogeneity in terms of soil formation and, as a consequence, a variety of morphological, biological, chemical, physical and other important properties of chernozems. Take into account the following indicators of the genetic properties of soils: humus content in the soil and its fractional-group composition, enzymatic activity, density, permeability, structural condition of soils. The following results are obtained: differences in temperature and water regimes of soils multidirectional slopes manifested in the heterogeneity of the biological factors of soil formation — in the species composition and productivity of plant communities; the heterogeneity of the biological conditions of soil formation have led to differences in the content and qualitative composition of humus in soils of slopes of different expositions; differences in the humus status of soils is reflected in the heterogeneity of soil multidirectional slopes on the totality of the most important physical properties: density, structural condition, water permeability. These circumstances must be considered when conducting monitoring studies of soils and for the development of regional criteria of rational use of agricultural lands. Key words: landscape asymmetry, heterogeneity of soil formation, the usual black.


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About this article

Author: Eliseeva M.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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