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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Kuksanov C.F., Kuksanova E.C., Ishanova O.C. ECOLOGICAL STATUS OF THE RIVER URAL AND RUSSIAN-KAZAKH OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF ITS WATERSThe article gives a brief description of the ecological status of the river Ural, quantitative indicators of the quality of its waters. The analysis of statistical data of the state environmental monitoring is carried out on the biological and chemical indicators. The authors consider the main areas of implementation of environmental measures and the Russian-Kazakh cooperation in the field of nature protection of the pool of the Ural. Summary: the Ural River is one of the major rivers of Europe and the increasing impact of human needs in the Russian-Kazakhstan joint action on environmental issues. The quality of surface waters of the pool r.  Ural does not meet sanitary-hygienic and environmental requirements on all its length from source to mouth. Within the Orenburg region surface water quality r. Ural characterized as "polluted" and "very polluted". This is due to the high content in water copper, zinc, iron General and other chemical elements. The most polluted tributaries r. Ural river is the Ilek, Blava, Most Urtzika, Sakmara, Great Satyr and other. To solve the conservation pool r. Ural necessary practical steps including improvement of Russian and Kazakhstan environmental legislation, development and implementation of the interstate program of salvation r. Ural-based "Schemes of complex use and protection of water bodies in the basin r. Ural, the increasing volume and quality of environmental monitoring, development and implementation of a comprehensive program of continuous ecological education and enlightenment. As a priority action should be to make changes in the State program "environmental Protection of the Orenburg region for 2014—2020" in honor of the expansion of the network of specially protected natural (water) areas, development of methods of compensation for damage to natural complexes in cross-border transfers of pollution, increased funding of environmental measures through targeted use of pollution charges the environment and other activities, primarily legislative and normative-legal nature of managerial decision-making on education intergovernmental authority for the protection r. Ural and international information-analytical center on a continuing basis.Key words: issues in the basin r. Ural, systemic environmental change, environmental emergency situation, contaminated and highly contaminated water, complex program, special protection of soils.


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About this article

Authors: Ishanova O.S., Kuksanov V.F., Kuksanova E.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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