Kuksanov V.F., Koveshnikov E.A. IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY FOR UTILIZATION OF OIL WELLS DEVELOPMENT WASTE [№ 2 ' 2018] Modern technologies of wells development after overhaul are aimed at resuming the inflow of reservoir fluid, restoration of throughput and stability of the normal operating mode of the well. Activities are carried out after completion of drilling, or during secondary opening and repair, when the well is filled with a muffling liquid and other liquids, and materials used during drilling and repair that imped the movement of formation fluid into the well. Closed technologies are very rare for the Russian oil and gas industry, and existing methods are not always efficient, so the question of finding rational ways of recycling wastes is still acute. The purpose of this study is to consider the possibility of introducing changes into the process of waste utilization generated during the overhaul of gas wells located on the territory of the Orenburg gas condensate field. The authors proposed two variants for upgrading the scheme for liquid waste pumping. In the first variant, pump exhausts, instead of direct discharge into the air, are sent to the degassing line of the separating unit, thus creating a closed scheme for pumping the material to be utilized. In the second case, a separate degassing line is mounted, which is directed to the horizontal flare unit straightly from the tanker. The improvement proposed by the authors makes it possible to reduce the level of air pollution with hydrogen sulphide on the territory of the working area of the repaired wells to the norms not exceeding MPC.
Debelо P.V., Kuksanov V.F., Nazin S.A. CURRENT STATUS OF RESERVOIRS SHALKAR-LAKE DISTRICT GETICONIMAGE (IBAS EN-217, REV-002) AND THEIR ROLE IN THE REPRODUCTION OF ANSERIFORMES [№ 10 ' 2015] The reservoirs of the Orenburg TRANS-Urals and adjacent territories of Kazakhstan known as the place of mass nesting and migratory stopover mass hunting, as well as rare and endangered species of Anseriformes broad Median region of Northern Eurasia. Now they are considered as a kind of critical habitats and key points on the path of migratory flows and a whole range of other waterbirds. However, they are extremely unstable hydrological regime and, as a consequence, significant changes in avifauna. All this urgently demands a constant monitoring of their condition and population dynamics of species inhabiting them. The paper summarizes literary information, departmental and personal collected by standard methods over the last two decades, the materials on the change of state lands, dynamics of distribution and abundance in plant communities and important socio-economic species after the maximum level of water bodies and subsequent reduce the water content site. The research has allowed to develop a typological classification of water bodies, which together form a unique complex Supplement each other land, which all the necessary conditions for vital activity of 16 species of nesting geese. Conducted in different years and seasons of censuses provide an opportunity to roughly estimate the state of the local populations of swans, grey geese, dabbling and diving ducks, to determine trends in their abundance at each reservoir that will allow to develop a rational set of necessary biotechnological and environmental measures.
Kuksanov V.F., Debelov P.V., Ishanova O.S., Kozlova Y.A., Romanov A.S. EKOLOGICHESKAYA CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER QUALITY IN MAJOR LAKES OF THE FAR EAST DISTRICT OF THE ORENBURG REGION [№ 9 ' 2015] Accumulation of chemical elements and their receipt in objects of environment are result of industrial and agricultural activity of the person. At the same time, the significant role in pollution of environments is rendered by natural factors, especially in places of concentration of deposits of mineral resources, in particular copper колчедановых, nickel ores. Studying of the quantitative content of harmful chemical impurity in water objects, in particular in the territory of the Svetlinsky region of the Orenburg region having deficiency in fresh water wasn't carried out in connection with a lack of ecological information on an assessment of a surface water of the main lakes of the area, otsutstvy long-term plans of their use in the production, economic and household and recreational purposes earlier. For the solution of this problem authors conducted hydrochemical research of waters of the main lakes of the Svetlinsky region of the Orenburg region in 2010 and 2015, the analysis of the received results is made and the ecological assessment of these water resources is for the first time given. In article the arisen reasons (natural and anthropogenous factors) having negative impact on qualitative composition of lake water are also considered. Water resources of the Svetlinsky region of the Orenburg region include, first of all a network of drainless lakes of the large, average and small size. Are most significant lakes: Shalkar-Ega-Kara, Zhetykol, Obalykol, Kayrankol. These and other lakes are of special value for the nesting and flying natatorial — swans, geese, ducks and other representatives of aviafauna. Hydrochemical indicators of quality of lake waters according to the content of sulfates, chlorides, ammoniyny nitrogen, oil products and other substances exceed the maximum-permissible concentration (MPC). The majority of lakes in adverse weather conditions (2013—2014) completely or partially dried up that testifies to need of carrying out on them environmental monitoring.
Kuksanov C.F., Kuksanova E.C., Ishanova O.C. ECOLOGICAL STATUS OF THE RIVER URAL AND RUSSIAN-KAZAKH OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF ITS WATERS [№ 6 ' 2015] The article gives a brief description of the ecological status of the river Ural, quantitative indicators of the quality of its waters. The analysis of statistical data of the state environmental monitoring is carried out on the biological and chemical indicators. The authors consider the main areas of implementation of environmental measures and the Russian-Kazakh cooperation in the field of nature protection of the pool of the Ural. Summary: the Ural River is one of the major rivers of Europe and the increasing impact of human needs in the Russian-Kazakhstan joint action on environmental issues. The quality of surface waters of the pool r. Ural does not meet sanitary-hygienic and environmental requirements on all its length from source to mouth. Within the Orenburg region surface water quality r. Ural characterized as "polluted" and "very polluted". This is due to the high content in water copper, zinc, iron General and other chemical elements. The most polluted tributaries r. Ural river is the Ilek, Blava, Most Urtzika, Sakmara, Great Satyr and other. To solve the conservation pool r. Ural necessary practical steps including improvement of Russian and Kazakhstan environmental legislation, development and implementation of the interstate program of salvation r. Ural-based "Schemes of complex use and protection of water bodies in the basin r. Ural, the increasing volume and quality of environmental monitoring, development and implementation of a comprehensive program of continuous ecological education and enlightenment. As a priority action should be to make changes in the State program "environmental Protection of the Orenburg region for 2014—2020" in honor of the expansion of the network of specially protected natural (water) areas, development of methods of compensation for damage to natural complexes in cross-border transfers of pollution, increased funding of environmental measures through targeted use of pollution charges the environment and other activities, primarily legislative and normative-legal nature of managerial decision-making on education intergovernmental authority for the protection r. Ural and international information-analytical center on a continuing basis.
Kuksanov V.F., Filippov A.A., Dudchenko O.V. IMPROVEMENT OF THE ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS OF INTRODUCTION STIMULATION OF GAS MOTOR FUEL ON ROUTE TRANSPORT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG) [№ 10 ' 2014] In article the problem of replacement of liquid motor fuels by natural gas due to increase of efficiency of ecological and economic instruments of introduction stimulation of gas motor fuel on the motor transport is solved. The method of calculation of a payment for emissions of harmful substances from mobile sources on the basis of the accounting of level of ecological danger of any considered fuel used instead of basic fuel (gasoline or diesel fuel) is improved. By a technique the assessment of ecological and economic effect of the translation of shuttle buses of Orenburg on natural gas on the example of the large motor transportation enterprise is executed.
Kuksanov V.F., Clementyev A.I., Kuksanova E.V. SPECIAL PROTECTION OF SOILS OF ORENBURG REGION: SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL ASPECTS [№ 1 ' 2014] The ecological concept and structure of the Red List of the soils, being scientific and legislative base of special protection of a soil cover and a variety is stated. For the purpose of special protection allocated soil таксонов for the Orenburg region the landscape and ecological network of especially protected soil territories is designed. Need of development of the legislative base providing certain guarantees of preservation of soils and other components of the live, lifeless nature and the biosphere, the Red List based on the status is proved. The developed concept and structure Red the book of soils of the Orenburg region lies in line with the Red List of soils of Russia.
Kuksanov V.F., Shaykhutdinova A.A. MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PLANTS GROWING IN URBANIZED AREAS [№ 5 ' 2009] The article addresses the issue of pollution of the areas adjacent to solid-fuel thermal power plants. To this end morphological analysis of a dominant plant species was carried out. The length of the root, stem and area of the leaf in the Knotweed was selected as an indicator for morphological depression of plants.
Kuksanov V.F., Groshev I.V., Grigorieva O.V. ECOLOGICAL-HYGIENIC CHARACTERISTIC OF HEAVY METALS INFLUENCE ON COMPONENTS OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT OF MEDNOGORSK TOWN [№ 5 ' 2006] The problems connected with intensive influence of technogenesis on ambient air, soil and surface water are considered in this article. Worsening of ecological situation promotes increase of population morbidity and mortality. A number of specific peculiarities of natural environment components pollution with heavy metals are distinguished in Mednogorsk town.
Boyev V.M., Kuksanov V.F., Mikhaylov A.N., Romanov A.V. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY AMONG POPULATION OF COPPER WORKS AREA [№ 3 ' 2002] The analysis of cancer rate among male and female population aged 18-61 plus shows that in the city of Mednogorsk cancer rate is 1609.4 to 100,000 people, inOrenburg Region it is 1400.7 to 100,000 people and in Russia - 1141.5 to 100,000 people. Those who most often suffer from cancer are men aged 61 plus, it being characteristic that Mednogorsk Integrated Copper-and-Sulphur Plant male workers account for most of the cases; women tend to have cancer at the age of 51-61 plus, Ural-Electro Plant and Mednogorsk Integrated Copper-and-Sulphur Plant female workers account for most cases of oncological pathology.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |