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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Tarasova O.P., Haliullina O.R. THE ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF THE CONCEPTS OF "ABILITY TO DESIGN" AND "CREATIVITY" IN THE CONTEXT OF DESIGN ACTIVITYIn a previous paper the authors have disclosed the essence of the concepts of "ability to design" and "creativity". In the context of design activities identified and studied schematically shows the relationship definitions. This paper proposes a general description of the structural components of the concepts of "ability to design" and "creativity" (goal-setting, professional competence, innovation and reflection), as well as their specific components. The authors argue that the identified components (goal-setting, professional competence, innovation and reflection) in the structure of both the studied concepts consistent. Each of them covers different aspects of the creative act, complement and reinforce in the practical implementation of creative ideas and self-designer in the product design. Undertaken by the authors attempt to summarize the scientific knowledge in the field of design culture, in panoramic allowed to submit their essence. Since these definitions are fundamental to the design, the designer must be clearly recorded and breeding, defining the boundaries of each project in the field of practice. Key words: design, ability to design, creativity, structural components.


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6. Popova D.M. Project objectives in the design of a children's book / D.M. Popova. — Architecton: proceedings of higher education institutions, No. 39

7. Aronov V.R. Design, education and design culture / V.R. Aronov, V.F. Sidorenko // Design education. History. Theory. Practice / V.R. Aronov, V.F. Sidorenko. — M.: MSTU of A.N. Kosygin, 2007. — P. 3 — 11.

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About this article

Authors: Tarasova O.P., Haliullina O.R.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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