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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Rusakova T.G., Breusova T.A. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF ARCHITECTURAL STYLES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLSummary. In the federal state educational standard of general education it is noted that "the study of fine arts at school aims at inculcating an artistic way of understanding the world, giving a system of knowledge and values on the basis of their own artistic and creative activities and experiences of initiation of the outstanding phenomena of Russian and foreign art and culture". Architecture — the biggest of all kinds of plastic arts, we come into contact with its works more often than with any other. Architectural structures, creating a distinctive architectural environment, allow to explore the cultural and historical processes in the context of artistic perception of the world. Architecture surrounds us, it makes it possible to study the historical development of people, cities, to consider the changing worldview. In the school curricula introduction to architecture at fine arts lessons provides a variety of forms: the rules of linear perspective, drawing architectural objects from nature , drawing from memory and performance. The study of architecture implies the existence of a certain school of baggage of knowledge obtained in the course of other disciplines: history, literature, drawing. Offering for the perception a work of architecture, studying its artistic language with high school students can reveal a new connection with the integration of these academic subjects. This makes the prospect of adding the education system taking into account the cultural heritage of the native land, an integral part of the experience of the entire Russian people. The article analyzes the architectural styles of the city of Orenburg (classicism, Empire, Neo-Gothic, Art Nouveau, and others.), examines their specificity, characteristic of the local buildings and suggests guidelines for teaching architectural styles to pupils of 8 forms in secondary schools.Key words: architecture, architectural style, architectural history, secondary school, fine arts lessons, recommendations on teaching methods.


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About this article

Authors: Rusakova T.G., Breusova T.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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