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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Barsukova N.I., Fomina E.V. QUESTIONS OF RESIDENTIAL COURTYARD SPACES TYPOLOGY OF THE MODERN CITYThe article attempts to systematize of courtyard spaces with different typological characteristics. The article attempts to identify specificity of transformation models building, structure and principles of their functioning in the urban environment from the point of view of harmonization. In architectural design theory and practice there are several definitions of adjoining areas: the courtyard, the courtyard space, the courtyard area. The courtyard is called the inner portion of land located between house buildings. Since modern practice offers a wide variety of environmental situations, including new forms of courtyard spaces, the need of identifying their typological features with new humanized design installations. Still in a professional environment yard space is perceived only as the subject-spatial structure and designer conventionally takes into account the physiological needs of man. The article describes two principles, allowing to make a typology courtyard spaces of the modern city. If we consider the courtyard just as the object-spatial structure, all types of courtyard spaces can be divided into basic (traditional, customary) and special types. Among the group of basic type space, you can allocate space open and closed. Special types of yard spaces are spaces that can be used by all inhabitants of the house, but these spaces are not located adjacent to the building site, they are on other levels: on the roof of the building; on the veranda; on the terrace, closed, local courtyards-atriums, which are found as in adjacent areas and inside buildings. Guided by the principle of areas functional fulfillment, we can distinguish two groups of courtyard spaces: monofunctional yard space and polyfunctional yard space. The article gives examples of different types of residential courtyard spaces in Western Europe, the article emphasizes the actuality of residential courtyard space in the system a wide range of public urban spaces.Key words: typology of residential courtyard spaces, urban environment, harmonization, typical and atypical yards.


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About this article

Author: Barsukova N.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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