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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Yanshina M.M. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ART AND DESIGN PRODUCTS GARTER ORENBURG PUHOVYAZALNY FISHERIESThe article refers to the Orenburg puhovyazalnom fisheries as one of the world's most famous cultural phenomena, and the primary product of fishing — knitted scarf. Orenburg shawl is considered from the standpoint of theoretical and methodological principles of design. The study was conducted Garter products by the method of Art and Design Analysis (ADA) to determine the harmonization of the laws of garter products and then use these patterns to design the design of various items of clothing using the Orenburg goat down. Gathering material for ADA produced by documentary observation. Photographic materials obtained from various sources: Factory site Orenburg downy shawls, site of "Orenburg puhovnitsy" books about Orenburg shawl. The system ADA reviewed 337 products Garter assortment of hand and machine manufacturing. Art and design analysis — a characteristic compositional and structural arrangement Towel products, including a 77 position (geometric form of shapes, lines, articulation, the presence of rhythm, symmetry, color, contrast, nuance, identity, composition and focus, etc.). The results of ADA installed the causes and consequences of changes in the positions of ADA. Determined by the proportion of invariable positions artistic design analysis as well as share options ADA, reduce and increase their performance. According to the study reached the following conclusions: do not change the position of ADA considered constant; are parameters to reduce their rates, considered as no longer valid due to the different kinds of causes; increase performance ADA position can not always be taken for innovation that enhance the aesthetic and technological boundaries fishing, bearing a positive character and showing the growth and development of the fishery. According to the results ADA assumptions were made about the directions of development of the fishery: the diversity of the range of products garter will be achieved through the development of technology of dyeing, the expansion of technological capabilities of the equipment, the emergence of new ornamental patterns knitting, applying surface treatments, integrating the technological objects in the structure of the yarn and knitted fabric.Key words: puhovyazalny fishing, scarf, art and design analysis, technology, structural and decorative, a tradition of innovation.


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About this article

Author: Yanshina M.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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