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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Khasanov I.Kh. IMPROVEMENT OF METHODS OF DIAGNOSING OF CARS BODIESIn work the results of researches directed on increase of efficiency of operation of cars on the basis of improvement of diagnosing of bodies by methods of nondestructive control are presented. The offered adapted control methods of technical condition of bodies of cars allow at the modern hi-tech level to reveal the latent defects without dismantling of elements of a body with the minimum labor expenses. The developed technique of identification of bodies of cars regarding their participation in road accidents will allow to find the hidden, earlier held body repair events, to reveal the most loaded sites of a body and to receive full information on a condition of a body ("body history") for the purpose of timely definition and elimination of the defects influencing safety of vehicles and also to improve quality of the provided services in maintenance, diagnosing and repair at the motor transportation and autoserving enterprises. Economic effect of actions for improvement of control methods of technical condition of bodies of cars will allow to increase profit of the enterprises of a motor transportation complex and to broaden spheres of their financial professional activity. It is expedient to use the proposed solutions taking into account carrying out additional specifications of advanced techniques for definition of technical condition of frames and cabins of vehicles of domestic and foreign production. Realization of results of scientific researches at the service enterprises, points of technical inspection will allow to increase quality of the provided services in diagnosing of cars, in autoexpert bureaus — to make a flashback of bodies, and in insurance companies — most effectively to carry out an assessment and insurance of vehicles.Key words: nondestructive control, diagnosing, technical condition, car body, latent defects.


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About this article

Author: Hasanov I.H.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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