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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Dryuchin D. A., Majors M. A. THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY OF TRANSPORT SERVICE OF THE POPULATION CITY PASSENGER TRANSPORT ALONG REGULAR ROUTESArticle is devoted to a problem of the fullest and qualitative satisfaction of needs of urban population for movement. The analysis of various ways of ensuring mobility of urban population allowed allocating of city public transport, as the most socially important component of a city transport complex. Proceeding from it, the main objective of research — improvement of quality of transport service of the population is defined by city passenger public transport. The presented material in essence is the review of a complex of the scientific and applied directions which realization in total provides high-quality increase of level of transport service of urban population. In the first part of article the review of various ways of ensuring mobility of urban population is executed, features of these ways and influence on cumulative indicators of satisfaction of demand for transport services are defined. Important social value of city route passenger transport is proved. Further, the review of known scientific works in the field of the organization of city route transportations and an assessment of quality of transport service of the population is submitted. On the basis of the studied material, the list of the indicators determining quality of transport service of the population by city passenger transport is considered and presented in article. Proceeding from the existing classification of indicators of quality of transport service of the population, the directions of improvement of work of city public transport are defined and structured. The short description of the actions realized within each of the presented directions is given. The general concept which is been the basis for the developed actions and the directions is based on ensuring priority development of city public passenger transport, in comparison with other ways of ensuring transport mobility of urban population that is dictated by collective interests of city society. The classification of the directions of improvement of work of public passenger transport presented in article can be used when developing long-term programs of development of transport infrastructure of municipalities. When developing subjects of the scientific and applied researches raising the key questions of functioning and development of city passenger route transport.Key words: transport service of the population, public transport, city routes, information technology, organizational structure.


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About this article

Author: Dryuchin D.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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