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2013, № 3 (152)

Guzhva O.V. GENESIS OF ENFORCEMENT INSTITUTE IN THE RUSSIAN CRIMINAL TRIALThe article discusses the development of Russian legislation on the regulation of the Institute of execution as the stage of the criminal proceedings. The author concludes that the order of adjudication of issues related to the execution of the sentence requires further legislative regulation.Key words: entry of the verdict, the sentence; issues related to the execution of the sentence, reprieve.


1 Rosin N.N. Criminal proceedings. Textbook, 3rd edition. — St. Petersburg: Law, 1916. — p. 567.

2 Vilensky B.V. Russian legislation, X-XX centuries. Judicial reform. — T. 8. — M.: Publishers "Legal Literature", 1991. — p. 211.

3 Victorskiy, S.I. Russian criminal trial. — M., 1912. — p. 81.

4 Decision of the Central Executive Committee of 15.02.1923 "On approval of the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR" (along with the "Code of Criminal Procedure RSFSR" / / PCA "Consultant".

5 Articles 461,464,465 Code of Criminal Procedure RSFSR 1923.

6 Goncharov D. Specialization of criminal and criminal procedural law: a historical perspective / / Journal of Russian law. — 2005. — № 11. — p. 7.

7 Note to Article 461 Code of Criminal Procedure RSFSR 1923

8 Scientific and practical commentary to the Code of Criminal Procedure RSFSR/ Ed. V.A. Boldyrev. — M., 1963. — p. 214.

9 Cheltsov-Bebutov M.A. The course of the criminal procedure law. Essays on the history of the court and criminal proceedings in slave, feudal and bourgeois states. — St. Petersburg., 1995. — p. 149, 675, 707.

10 Collection of resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court. 1924—1986. — M., 1987. — p. 539, 546, 581, 764—769, 812.

11 Bulletin of the Supreme Court. — 1978. — № 3. — Pp. 8, 1986. — № 5. — p. 5, and others.

12 Mikhlin A.S. Early release from serving a sentence // Problems of improving the criminal law. — M., 1984. -p. 117.

13 V. Nikolyuk Penal proceedings in the USSR. — Irkutsk University Publishing House, 1989. — p. 105.

14 Kirin V.A. Legislation to combat crime: law branches and their relationship. — M., 1978. — p. 18.

About this article

Author: Guzhva O.V.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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