Kolosova T.A., Goncharova V.A. DIFFERENTIATION AND VERBALIZATION OF EMOTIONS BY OLDER PRESCHOOLERS WITH GENERAL SPEECH UNDERDEVELOPMENT [№ 4 ' 2024] The presence of increased anxiety, immaturity of social emotions, primitive emotional response, high degree of emotional tension in combination with depressed mood, reduced attention to the emotional state of other people and demonstration of insufficient emotional responsiveness is considered as one of the most complete characteristics of the emotional sphere of children. With some coverage of the structure of the defect in speech pathology, there is clearly a lack of research on the mediation of mental processes in the course of mental development. The study of the features of the development of the emotional sphere in older preschool children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment, in particular, understanding, differentiation and verbalization of emotions became the goal of the study. We conducted a psychodiagnostic study of emotional development in older preschool children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment. Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment are distinguished, on the one hand, by a reduced emotional background, they are characterized by sluggish reactions, apathy. Many children with speech disorders are characterized by violent reactions, rapid change of emotions, active expression of feelings and emotions, demonstrativeness of their manifestation. The hypothesis of the study was that the understanding, differentiation and verbalization of emotions in older preschoolers diagnosed with
Goncharov A.A., Goncharov N.S. IMPROVED METHODS OF DIAGNOSING OXYGEN SENSOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINES [№ 10 ' 2014] The article presents a solution to the problem of diagnosing concentration oxygen sensor automobile engines with electronic control systems. Used as current approaches to diagnosis and proposed measures aimed at reducing the overhead of time and increase the accuracy of diagnosis. An algorithm for diagnosing sensor oxygen concentration obtained experimental results establish the performance of car engines with the state of the oxygen sensor. Theoretical and experimental position intended for use on vehicles and service companies, as well as in the training of specialists in the field of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles equipped with electronic engine control system with feedback.
Gasina A.I., Goncharov V.G. AGROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND REGIMES OF SOILS UNDER CONDITIONS OF LYTHOLOGICAL INHOMOGENEITY OF SOIL COVER [№ 6 ' 2013] Physical properties and regimes are the important component of productional process. The results of soil cover investigation of different agrolandscapes of Vladimir region (soddy-podzolic and grey forest soils) are represented in the article. Mechanisms of physical properties' distribution and features of water-air regime formation under conditions of highly spatial inhomogeneity of soil cover are considered.
Demchenko L.M., Goncharov N.V. THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF PERCEPTIONS AND CONCEPT AS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY CORPORAL SPECIFICITY OF SUBJECTIVE IN PHILOSOPHY OF M. MERLEAU-PONTI [№ 7 ' 2012] In article investigates the specificity of the existentialist-phenomenological an approach M. Merleau-Ponty to the problem of perception and physicality with which the thinker is trying to discover the essence of human experience and thus reveal the quintessence of the authenticity of the whole being of the subject.
Goncharova V.A. INTERACTION OF NORMS AND DEVIATION IN SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AS AN ENGINE OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE [№ 1 ' 2012] The article investigates the phenomenon of the interaction of norms and deviations in scientific knowledge as the driving force of science. The author believes that the interaction of norms and deviations generates synthesis, which creates a quality of the science, capable of more detailed and deeply reflection of the diversity of the studied reality and making scientific and cognitive activity stream of new, unconventional ideas.
Goncharov V.M. Faustova E.V. NEW APPROACHES TO STUDY OF SPATIAL AGROPHYSICAL HETEROGENEITY OF SOIL COVER [№ 12 ' 2011] New approaches for estimating agrophysical properties of soil cover are considered. These methods are based on traditional geo and soil information but take into account spatial variation of physical properties. The proposed methods are tested on Vladimirskoe opolie forest grey soils with the second humus horizon and two-term deposit sod-podzolic soils of Ivanovsaya area.
Shamraev A.V., Goncharova O.N. THE INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT "LENOYL" ON CATALASE ACTIVITY OF OIL-CONTAMINATED SOIL [№ 12 ' 2011] This article discusses the impact of oil pollution on soil components, possible consequences, as well as ways to reduce this load by using microbial preparations.
Bondarenko E.V., Goncharov A.A., Gorlatov S.E. THE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO CREATION OF MULTILEVEL ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGY OF DIAGNOSING OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS OF CARS [№ 10 ' 2011] In article the methodological approach to creation of multilevel adaptive technology of diagnosing of electronic systems of cars for the purpose of maintenance of their efficient condition is presented. The given approach in a complex reflects the basic directions of development of diagnostics of electronic systems of the vehicles, connected as with distinction of a design of elements of electronic systems, and various укомплектованностью vehicles electronic systems.
Demchenko L.M., Goncharov N.V. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PHENOMENOLOGICAL EPISTEMOLOGY IN PHILOSOPHY FORMATION OF M. MERLO-PONTIOF M. MERLO-PONTI [№ 1 ' 2011] The article is devoted to M.Merlo-Ponti's critical philosophical judgement of the basic scientific installations of epistemological rationalism and empiricism. The paper deals rite the concepts and the main ideas developed by the French thinker based on the fundamental principles of geshtaltpsyhology and existentialism.
Goncharov V.M. USE OF GID-TECHNOLOGIES IN THE COURSE OF AGROPHYSICAL EVALUATION OF A TERRITORY [№ 6 ' 2010] The author explores new possibilities for analyzing and evaluating agrophysical parameters of soil cover, using agrophysics data in landscape farming. These possibilities are executed by use of geostatistical methods, receipt of topoizopleth properties and separation of contours of optimum, unfavorable or extremely unfavorable agrophysical environment.
[№ 10 ' 2008]
Kozminykh V.O., Kirillova E.A., Goncharov V.I., Golotsvan A.V. TERNARY TANDEM HETEROCYCLIZATION OF ACETOPHENONE WITH DIETHYLCSLAD AND M-AMINOPHENOL – NEW METHOD FOR GETTING OF 7-HYDROXY-4-PHENYLQUINOLIN-2-CARBOXYLIC ACID [№ 4 ' 2008] The ether condensation of acetophenone with diethyl oxalate and m-aminophenol in presence of sodium followed by treatment of the reaction mixture with acetic acid proceeds unusually to preparatively yield 7-hydroxy-4-phenylquinoline-2-carboxylic acid. This three component tandem heterocyclization is proposed to be used as a new regiodirected method of quinoline-2-carboxylic (quinaldinic) acid synthesis. The reaction pathway and structure peculiarities of the prepared compound as well as alternative structures are under discussion.
Kozminykh V.O., Goncharov V.I., Kozminykh E.N., Mukovoz P.P. CONDENSATION OF ETHERS OF METHYLENACTIVE CARBOXYLIC ACIDS WITH DIALKILOXALATES (REVIEW) [№ 9 ' 2007] Literary data is generalized and new information of getting, structure, features and biologically active ethers of 2-oxacarboxylic acids and their annular analogs generated as a result of compound ether condensation of methylenderivative carboxylic acids with dialkiloxalates are given in this article. New terms of thin organic synthesis: "oxalilacetated systems", "oxalilacetated synthesis" are suggested here.
Kozminykh V.O., Goncharov V.I., KOZMINYKH E.N. CONDENSATION OF KLAIZEN’S METHYLKETONES WITH DIALDEHYDEKILOXALATES AT THE SYNTHESIS OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE CARBONYL COMPOUNDS (REVIEW, PART 3) [№ 5 ' 2007] Literary data is summarized and new information of ester condensation of Klaizen’s methylketones with dialdehydekiloxalates at the synthesis of biologically active 1,3,4,6-tetracarbonyl compounds, their derivatives, and also some polycarbonyl systems (polyketids), containing connivent 1,2- and 1,3-dicarbonyl links, is given in this article.