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2010, № 3

Guskova A.P., Jurchenko L.V. FUNCTIONS JUVENAL OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGSFunctions juvenal legal proceedings as legal institute, represent the certain directions of legal influence expressing appointment of justice on affairs of minors which are connected thus with practice of its realisation. Thus they are caused by its role and a place in juvenal to system, and also as a whole and system of protection of the rights of minors. Key words: juvenal court, minor, regenerative justice, functions


1. Guskova A.P., Emeljanov V. A. About practice of the judicial control over legality and validity of application of imprisonment in preliminary investigation//the Russian judge. 2004. №4. — P.12.

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3. Martinyhin L.F. About functions and powers of court in pre-judicial manufacture // the Russian judge. 2004.– 8 // legal system of the Adviser Plus.

4. A part 4 (I) Laws of New Zealand. About children, teenagers and their families from 1989 // Center Archive. Judicial-legal reform, М: 2002

5. Social dizadapteishen: infringements of behaviour at children and teenagers // Materials of the Russian scientifically-practical conference (Moscow, on November, 26-28th 1996) М: the Publishing House. Graal 1996.

6. Sidorenko-Stivenson S.A., Chalikova G.V. Prichiny and a consequence of children’s neglect // Where goes Russia? Transformation of social sphere and social policy. М: Business, 1998. — P. 196-200.; Stevenson, S.A.nurser homelessness: social aspects//Sociological researches in Russia, М: INION. 1998. №4. — P.74.

7. Melnikova T., Preventive maintenance of neglect of children and teenagers // The Legal expert. 1998. №2. With. 19-23.

8. It is connected by what it is seldom possible to allocate any one, the isolated reason or the circumstance which has resulted the child in? Risk group?. In most cases in families there is a combination of adverse conditions that does impossible the further residing of children, or creates direct threat of their life and to health. Frequently these adverse conditions exist long enough, and earlier withdrawal of the child from the adverse environment would allow to avoid many negative consequences for education, mental and physical health of children connected with residing with such parents.

9. Кorez К, Tessori D. Printsip of specialisation of judicial bodies on affairs of minors as a necessary condition of effective judicial protection of the rights of young offenders // Problems of perfection of justice concerning minors to Russia and the international experience of creation luvenal justices // materials of the international conference. On April, 20-21th, 2000 SPb.: PROON, 2001. —With. 72.

10. In our opinion, coordination between the given structures would promote more effective protection personal and property rights of minors. The contract of bodies of guardianship and guardianship, social services and courts with area educational institutions on which its powers extend could become one of forms of such cooperation. The given contract could include the position obliging educational institutions to inform all facts, concerning this or that teenager which can serve as a subject of participation in its destiny of social services and guardianship and guardianship bodies. Together with it, the educational institution under the given contract could have the right to ask from corresponding officials about the work done by them concerning its minor pupil. Such contracts about coordination of actions could be concluded and with other state structures in the mutual interests the information on destiny of this or that minor would be which subject.

11. Radnaeva, E.L. Juvenalnaja justice: problems of formation and development prospect \\ Juvenalnaja justice and problems of protection of the rights of minors. (May, 2008 — Ulan-Ude: Publishing house of the Buryat state university, 2008. — P. 9.

12. See for example: item 37 of the Convention on the rights of the child, item 17 of the Peking rules, etc.

13. Guskova A.P., Emeljanov V. A, Jurchenko L.V. Criminally organisation questions juvenal legal proceedings in modern Russia // the monography. Orenburg: Publishing house OGAU. — 2009.

About this article

Authors: Yurchenko L.V., Guskova A.P.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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