Orehova T.F., Fedorov V.A., Tretyakova N.V. DETERMINING THE ORIGINALITY OF THE DISSERTATION TEXT USING ANTI-PLAGIARISM SYSTEMS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVING THE METHODOLOGY [№ 4 ' 2024] The problem of proving the originality of the text of the dissertation research, associated with the use of software tools for detecting text borrowings – the anti-plagiarism system, is one of the most urgent today. The purpose of the research is to develop and substantiate a method of expert processing of the results of the examination of the dissertation in the anti-plagiarism system. The method will improve the methodology for determining the originality of a scientific text, taking into account the degree of reflection of scientific results in the press determines. The article suggests a way to establish the total originality of the text of the dissertation research and the completeness of the reflection of scientific results in print. The proposed calculation makes it possible to equate the “self-citation” and “self-borrowing” identified by the anti-plagiarism system to the original text. This will resolve the contradiction between the requirement of the Higher Attestation Commission Regulations to present the main scientific results of the dissertation research in peer-reviewed scientific publications and the requirements of dissertation councils to ensure a high proportion of the originality of the scientific text when checking by the anti-plagiarism system, while “self-citation” is not equated with “originality” and is not taken into account.
Krivorotov V.V., Kalina A.V., Tretyakov V.D. METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF MANUFACTURING COMPLEX [№ 8 ' 2013] The paper reasons the actuality of estimation of competitive ability of economic entities on the level of big integrated structures. The new methodic approach to the estimation of competitive ability of manufacturing complex (MC) is offered. The block system of criteria of MC's competitive ability is considered. The basic directions of practical use of the method of estimation of MC's competitive ability in application to its activity management are outlined.
Tretyakova E.A. ANALYSIS OF NON-CONTEMPORANEOUS RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS OF "MIDDLEMARCH" (BY G. ELIOT) FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF DISCOMFORT STYLISTICS [№ 11 ' 2012] The paper is devoted to comparative analysis of two Russian translations of the novel "Middlemarch" by G. Eliot. The purpose of the analysis is to reveal the difference in the two translation strategies and compare the results of their implementation from the reader's perspective. We have analyzed non-contemporaneous translations, which made it possible to study the issues from the diachronic approach. We have also used the basic terminology, principles and methods of discomfort stylistics for proper identification and description of the linguistic phenomena that may result in the reader's misunderstanding of a translated text.
Neverov A.N., Tretyakov A.A., Stadnikov A.A. MICROBIOLOGICAL AND MORPHOFUCTIONAL ASPECTS OF SPOROBACTERIN USING AT TREATMENT CORRECTION OF PUNGENT PLEURAL EMPYEMA [№ 6 ' 2006] Original model of pungent pleural empyema is worked out in this article. Structural-functional reorganization of tissues forming residual cavity at different types of common and local treatment is studied here. It is established that sporobacterin creates better conditions for realization of adaptive and compensatory opportunities with parenchymatous and stromal elements of lungs and chest wall.
Tretiakova A.S., Mukhin V.A. FLORA OF RAILWAY COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MIDDLE URAL [№ 4 (app.1) ' 2006]
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Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |