Fomina M.V., Maslovskaya S.V., Mikhailova E.A. FEATURES OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION: ETHICAL ASPECTS [№ 1 ' 2023] The debatability of the problem of ethics of media communication of the academic community, in the framework of the implementation of the distance format of online learning, is beyond doubt. In the course of the study, the vast majority (95.7š%) of respondents agree with the need to comply with ethical standards when using a remote format of communication. When asked if there are differences in the ethics of online and offline communication, 59.6š% of respondents answered that communication in networks has its own characteristics, which distinguishes it from communication in the external, “textured” world, 29.7š% did not find any differences and 10.7š% could not unambiguously answer the question. Of particular interest are the problems of corporate ethics of network communities. Studies have shown that 8 (8.5š%) respondents do not exclude anonymous communication on the network and 65.9š% of respondents published information under an assumed name. Along with this, 65 (69.1š%) respondents are aware of the legal responsibility in the virtual space, which indicates the Internet literacy of active users. It is known that the ethics of communication involves respect for the rights of other people. The study showed that the majorityš— 84 respondents (89.4š%) were in favor of respecting copyright, but only 50 (53.2š%) support privacy. The extremely negative aspects of remote communication should not be overlooked. As the survey showed, 32 (34.0š%) respondents encountered obscene language and obscene content on the network, as well as insults and slander against themselves (in 15.9š% and 17.0% of cases, respectively). Thus, the information environment is increasingly turning into a complex of objectively acting factors that determine the moral and ethical development of the individual.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V. SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP SYSTEM DESIGN SUBJECTS OF EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS IN ACTIVITY HEAD OF AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION [№ 3 ' 2021] The transition from the command-administrative system to democratic transformations in the field of public relations requires the transformation of the socio-cultural sphere of Russia, which determines the need to study the peculiarities of the development process of the interaction of participants in educational relations in the field of education in order to design a system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization. The need to design a system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization is dictated by the need to intensify the interaction of all participants in educational relations in solving problems of the functioning and development of an educational organization; the objective need for an educational organization to play a leading role in organizing social partnership; the requirement of the state educational policy in the field of education for the development of new requirements for the system of relations between the educational organization and society, the mechanisms for the formation of this system of relations are not developed. The aim of the study was to determine the organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the system of social partnership of subjects of educational relations in the activities of the head of an educational organization. As a result of a theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature, it was revealed that the concept of «interaction», «partnership», «social activity» are essential characteristics and components of the content of the concept of «social partnership». In the course of the study, a model for the formation of a system of social partnership of an educational organization has been developed; it consists of 5 functional blocks: target, methodological, substantive, technological, productive and analytical. Organizational conditions for organizing social partnership between an educational organization and the parent community: introduction of effective technologies for interaction between subjects of social partnership into the educational process; continuous functioning of the negotiation process between the subjects of social partnership; the formation of an open information space for the effective implementation of social partnership between the educational organization and the parental community. The developed model of the organization of social partnership of an educational organization is a set of interrelated components, the implementation of which creates opportunities for the mutual growth of the potential of an educational organization.
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V., Muratova A.A. MENTORING AS A RESOURCE OF TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT [№ 5 ' 2020] The study is of interest to the professional development of a teacher-mentor in the context of modernization changes in the Russian education system. The introduction of a national system for the professional growth of a teacher, a new model of attestation of teaching staff actualizes the implementation of the mentoring methodology to provide high-quality professional support for teaching staff. The aim of the study was to identify the professional deficiencies of teachers-mentors, to determine the professional difficulties identified during the participation of teachers-mentors in the competitive movement. Based on the study of the content characteristics of the concepts of “mentoring”, “professional development”, “professional competence of a teacher-mentor”, the author’s definition of the competence of a teacher-mentor is proposed as the ability and readiness of a teacher-mentor for effective informal mutually enriching interaction with the mentor, building his individual strategy for professional growth ... We noted that the professional activity of a teacher-mentor is considered within the framework of “horizontal” continuous education of a teacher and is determined by the degree of conscious professional advancement, professional growth of both the mentored and the mentor himself. This requires a special share of responsibility in solving specific problems of acquiring professional and life experience, developing new professional competencies. In our opinion, the teacher-mentor, being a key figure in the mentoring program, must have successful professional experience, positive professional, personal and life results, the willingness and ability to share their experience, and provide professional support to the mentor. To highlight the criteria for the professional competence of a teacher-mentor, we turned to the necessary qualities of successful mentors, indicated in the Methodology (target model) of mentoring. The results of the study show that for purposeful work on the development and improvement of the institution of mentoring in a modern educational organization, it is necessary to develop and implement an in-house mentoring program, to create its high-quality resource support.
Markova ô.ï., Hovrina á.V., Bykovskaya N.V., Maslov M.V. USING THE ACTIVITY APPROACH AT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON BIOLOGY IN COREIDAE (HEMIPTERA) STUDYING [№ 1 ' 2020] An active approach to learning is provided in the process of working with reliance on internal incentives and the maintenance of educational motivation and makes it possible to move to a relatively active and performing active (creative) level. This can be achieved by setting problematic creative tasks and specific tasks, during which students understand the material of the topic, enrich the experience and knowledge of scientific researchers. Thus, new knowledge is remembered by using to solve the set educational tasks, and interested students receive additional information. They show interest in the subject, read special literature, expanding their knowledge in the field of biology, while the development of abilities takes into account individual characteristics. To achieve the result, the teacher needs to provide a psychologically comfortable climate that contributes to the activation of cognitive activity of students, their inclusion in the work and the development of independence. We have presented the author’s development of an event for secondary schools using an activity-based approach to teaching biology. Tasks: selection of a relevant research topic, collection of collection and photo material, familiarization with literary sources on the ecology of the regional fauna, development of methods for conducting the event, generalization of the results. Such classes contribute to the formation of the student’s personality, his communicative preparedness, cognitive skills, interest and a positive attitude towards learning, creative thinking. The information presented can be used by biology teachers as a local history material in secondary schools as a regional component of the educational program.
Markova ô.ï., Repsh N.V., íÁslov í.V., Sakhnov á.S. THE USE OF THE RESEARCH METHOD WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ENTOMOLOGY COURSE FOR STUDENTS OF NATURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION [№ 1 ' 2019] The principal difference in the standards of the new generation is their reliance on the activity component of educational content, which determines its innovativeness and modernity. Nowadays, the organization of studies, which involves the active independent activity of students under the guidance of a teacher, becomes more and more necessary. Problem-based learning can be carried out in the form of a part-search activity of students with the participation of a teacher during seminars and laboratory classes; self-study under the guidance of a teacher when writing essays; when performing research work in scientific circles and industry laboratories; when writing term papers and diploma projects. We have developed a laboratory lesson using a problem teaching method — a research method in the course “Entomology” for students of natural science of higher education. At the lesson, students were offered to study parasitic insects on the example of an extensive group of Tachinid flies (Diptera, Tachinidae), whose representatives are not well studied in the Far East and are important in biological control of insects — pests of agriculture and forestry. Inclusion in research activity allows revealing the essence of the phenomena studied, contributes to the development of logical thinking, motivation of educational activity, ability for independent creative research and determines growth, both professionally and personally. The presented information can be used as a study of local lore material in universities with departments of biological orientation and secondary schools, as well as biology teachers.
íÁslov M.V. METHODS OF STUDYING MAMMALS IN THE USSURI RESERVE FOR STUDENTS OF BIOLOGICAL SPECIALITIES OF THE HIGH SCHOOLS [№ 4 ' 2018] The effectiveness of teaching in modern conditions can not be realized in the framework of only the traditional model – the competence approach in higher education has actualized the problem of searching for new effective methods, forms and means of teaching. The choice of teaching methods is a difficult task that the teacher faces at the stage of working out a work program of the academic discipline. The use of active technologies develops the ability to successfully perform pedagogical tasks based on practical activities, knowledge and skills. The relevance of this work is due to the importance of field research for teachers and students of the biological faculties of higher educational institutions of Primorsky Krai. The acquired knowledge can be used in the development of training courses, in conducting field training and pedagogical practice, writing scientific articles and final qualifying works. We have summarized the current data on methods of studying mammals in the Primorye Territory of the Russian Far East using the example of the Ussuri Reserve of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which are necessary as a regional component for use in university courses in biology. The above information can be useful to biology students of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University as additional information within the framework of such disciplines as «Vertebrate Zoology», «Terrestrial Vertebrates of the Far East», «Specially Protected Natural Territories and Objects», «Rare species of Primorsky Krai animals and their security».
Ganaeva E.A., Maslovskaya S.V. MARKETING OF INTERACTION SUBJECTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION [№ 3 ' 2018] This article deals with the problem of managing the quality of interaction between subjects of the educational process in the system of additional professional education on the basis of methodical aspects of marketing interaction. The idea that the current state of the educational organization in the system of additional vocational education is largely determined by the level of interaction between the subjects of the educational process is substantiated. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors influencing the marketing of interaction on the quality of educational services in the system of additional vocational education. The article reveals the main problems of the system of additional vocational education to identify the spheres of influence of marketing interaction on the quality of educational services in the system of additional professional education. Particular attention is paid to identifying ways to overcome the problems of modern additional vocational education. The article analyzes the temporary logical change of organizational models of additional vocational education. The author comes to the conclusion that competition in the sphere of additional professional education has created prerequisites for developing new views on the provision of educational services, developing a strategy for the image activity of the educational organization, and improving the quality of education. Based on the work of D. Cravens, the author defines the main characteristics of marketing based on the specifics of his key functional areas, identifies in it the procedural structure: work with marketing information (collection, analysis); decision making (marketing mix); execution of decisions (supervision and control over the results). The author identifies and describes the prerequisites that influence the formation of marketing interactions in the system of additional vocational education, taking into account effective technologies of cognitive marketing (consumption marketing).
Markova T.O., íÁslov M.V., Repsh N.V., Bolovtsov E.N., Gulyaeva V.A. METHODS OF COLLECTING AND KEEPING OF INSECTSš— POTENTIAL HOSTS OF TACHINIDAE (DIPTERA) IN THE PRIMORYE TERRITORY OF THE FAR EAST OF RUSSIA [№ 3 ' 2017] Tachinidae (Diptera)š— a group of parasitic insects, which in accordance with the modern classification includes four subfamilies: Exoristinae, Tachininae, Dexiinae, Phasiinae. Insects of 6šorders: Orthoptera, Dermaptra (adult); Coleoptera (larvas and adult); Lepidoptera (larvas); Hymenoptera (larvas); Diptera (larvas) comprising more than 40šfamilies are masters of Tachinidae subfamily Exoristinae, Tachininae and Dexiinae in the Primorye Territory of the Far East of Russia. Tachinidae of the subfamily Phasiinae are specialized insect pests of the order Heteroptera (adult, larvas less), including 5šfamilies. The study of the fauna Tachinidae and trophic relations in the larval stage is of great scientific and practical importance in the fight against insectsš— pests of agriculture and forestry. Field methods collection of insects for the purpose of their study, as well as raising of parasites-entomophagous are defined tasks, confined to the habitat types, daily activity and other factors. However, in each particular case requires the development of private methods that take into account statsialnuyu attachment of species at different stages of development, especially the daily activity in a variety of systematic-economic groups, the climatic conditions in a particular region, trophical selectivity insects at concentrations their in laboratory and field conditions with the aim of raising of parasites. The data of information about the hosts of Tachinidae (Diptera) in the Primorye Territory of the Far East of Russia are showed in the article. The literature and our own information on the methods of collection and maintenance of insects of different taxonomic groups with the aim of raising Tachinidae and collecting the resulting material for its further determination are generalized.
Markova T.O., Repsh N.V., íÁslov M.V., Egorenchev S.E. PROBLEMS OF BEEKEEPING AND DISEASES OF BEES IN DALNERECHENSK REGION (PRIMORYE TERRITORY, RUSSIAN FAR EAST) [№ 4 ' 2016] The main problems of beekeeping in Dalnerechensk region of Primorye territory (Russian Far East) are low demand and low purchasing prices for honey and bee products; strengthening the anthropogenic pressure on the natural landscape; weight-staff deforestation, accompanied by the destruction of the most valuable honey plants (Tilia amurensis Rupr., T.šmandshurica Rupr., T.štaquetii C.K.šSchneid.); damage of forests and the strong defeat of trees crowns by caterpillars of Lymantria disparšL. In Dalnerechensk region dangerous parasitic diseases of bees are varroatoz caused by ticks of the genus Varroa Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) and askosferoz caused by a parasitic fungus Ascosfera apis. Honeydew toxicosis, pollen toxicosis and nectar toxicosis are diseases of adult bees, bee-breadwinner and brood, which arise as a result of power honeydew honey or honeydew, pollen of Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ligustrina amurensis Rupr., Aconitumšsp., Veratrumšsp., poisonous nectar plants of Ligustrina amurensis Rupr., Ledum palustrešL., Veratrumšsp., Aconitumšsp., Alliumšsp. For the prevention and treatment of varroatoz and askosferoz in summer cut honeycomb with drone brood; in autumn family is treated with insecticides and fungicides. For the prevention of honeydew toxicosis before wintering bees removed from the hives of honey greater number and replace it with sugar syrup, families spend an early show for the cleaning flyby. For the prevention of pollen toxicosis and nectar toxicosis the mass flowering of poisonous plants it is recommended to feed the bees with liquid sugar or honey syrup. Radical measure is the removal of bees from areas where the disease is common.
íuldashev á.á., íÁslova N.V., Elizaryeva ï.á., Galeeva á.Kh. EXPERIMENT OF REINTRODUCTION OF RARE ENDEMIC SPECIES OXYTROPIS BASCHKIRENSIS KNJASEV IN SOUTH URALS (BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC) [№ 9 ' 2015] The results of the experiment in reintroduction of rare endemic species Oxytropis baschkirensis Knjasev in the South Urals (2003—2014) are presented in the article. This species needs protection all over the areal. It is included in the Red Data Book of Bashkortostan Republic (2011) and the Red Data Book of Chelyabinsk region (2005). Studies have shown that under sowing of seeds on hill Tuytyube in Uchalinski district of Bashkortostan Republic in natural habitats this species gives seedling and forms "micropopulations" including plants of all age conditions. Plants become in the generative period from 2—4 years of development. Generative plants can return to the virginal status (temporarily not blooming plants), apparently, under the influence of moisture lack in the soil. At all stages of ontogeny, especially at pregenerative period, mass death of the plants was observed from adverse conditions. The prospect of artificial sowing of seeds in critical populations with the aim of restoring and maintaining their numbers is shown. Under conditions sowing of seeds with seed hardness after the winter storage the soil seed bank has formed, which provides annual seed regeneration for all over the period of observation (10šyears). Sowing seeds collected in natural populations at maturity and characterized by various degrees of seed hardness gives relatively abundant seedlings in the following year, but in subsequent years renewal is relatively weak because of the depletion of the seed bank. The native population on the same hill is characterized by a very low density, which, apparently, is due to a lack of seeds largely. Under conditions the shortage of seeds at the critical populations artificial reseeding of seeds collected from the same population is advisable.
Markova T.O., Repsch N.V., íÁslov M.V. ZOOGEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF DIPTREA FAUNA (DIPTERA: TACHINIDAE, PHASIINAE; ANTHOMYIIDAE) OF USSURI RESERV AND ADJACENT AREAS [№ 6 ' 2015] Abstract. Tachinid flies of subfamily Phasiinae (Diptera) are specialized parasites of insects (Hemiptera). Most species of Anthomyiidae are phytophages, many of them are agricultural and forestry pests. During the research (1996—2012) in the Ussuri Nature Reserve and adjacent territory 37šspecies of Phasiinae (Tachinidae) belonging to 17 genera were found. Anthomyiidae fauna consists of 36šspecies belonging to 19šgenera (74 and 64š% of the fauna of Primorye Territory, respectively). The aim of the research was arealogical analysis of Diptera fauna, Tachinidae (Phasiinae) and Anthomyiidae families of Ussuri Nature Reserve and adjacent territory of the South Primorye, which is presented in this paper for the first time. Area classification based on the scheme of globe zoogeographical division by A.P.šSemenov-Tyan-Shanskyi with additions by O.L.šKryzhanovskyi. During conducting the analysis literature was used which gives information on the Diptera distribution in the Palaearctic, data on the Nearctic and Oriental Diptera also took into account. In the subfamily Phasiinae (Tachinidae) 3šzoogeographical complexes were divided. Fauna mainly consists of the Palaearctic species complex (81š% of the total species number in the investigated area). An important feature of the faunaš— the presence of East Palaearcticš— Oriental species (5.5š%), Palearchaearctic species (8.1š%) and conditional endemics (6.2š%). In the family Anthomyiidae 4 zoogeographical complexes were divided. The fauna is represented by widespread Holarctic and Trans-Palearctic species (80.5š%), the proportion of Eastern-Palearctic and Palearchaearctic species is relatively low (5.6š%). Cosmopolitans and species spread apart from temperate latitudes in the tropics and subtropics make up only 13.9š% of the fauna.
Muldashev á.á., Elizaryeva ï.á., íÁslova N.V., Galeeva á.Kh. SEED PRODUCTIVITY OF ALLIUM NUTANSšL. (ALLIACEAE) IN INTRODUCTION AND REINTRODUCTION IN BASHKORTOSAN REPUBLIC [№ 6 ' 2015] Study of the biology of rare plants species is necessary to establish the reasons for their rarity and developing methods for their effective protection. Seed productivity (in particular, the realization seed potential) is the important indicator of vitality species in specific habitat. The results of the study of inflorescences seed productivity of rare species Allium nutans in artificial populations ex situ and in introduction in Bashkortostan Republic are presented in the article. A. nutans is species of South Siberian and North Kazakhstan. It is included in the Red Data Book of the Bashkortostan Republic (2011). Species is on the list of priority rare and endangered species of the steppe zone of Bashkortostan Republic need to special measures for their protection. The material for the study of seed productivity was collected in the Natural Botanical Garden "Gurovskaya gora" in Kushnarenkovsky district of Republic of Bashkortostan (where are reintroduced and studied in conditions close to nature more than 20 rare plants species) and in the nursery of rare and endangered plants of the Southern Urals located at the Botanical Garden in Ufa. The study showed that this species has a fairly high seed productivity. Indicators of seed productivity have high variability: amount flowers of inflorescencesš— 32—452, the potential seed productivityš— 192—2š712 ovules, the real seed productivityš— 135—492 plump seeds, coefficient of productivity (the ratio of real to potential seed productivity) š— 23,8—44,0š%. These data are consistent with earlier finding by us and other researchers on seed productivity in nature and culture. Conditions of reintroduction were acceptable for the receiving of seed. There is the increase of quantitative indicators of seed productivity of this species depending on the duration of the existence of the sample in experiences.
íuldashev á.á., Elizaryeva ï.á., íÁslova N.V., Galeeva á.Kh. VITALITY STRUCTURE OF POPULATIONS HEDYSARUM GRANDIFLORUM PALL. (FABACEAE) OF BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC [№ 6 ' 2014] The results of study of vitality of 4 populations of rare species Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall. (Fabaceae) of Bashkortostan Republic in the period from 2011 to 2013 Áre presents. Vitality was calculated in two ways. Arrangement populations relatively each other according to the index vitality IVC are invariable for years of study.
íuldashev á.á., íÁslova N.V., Elizaryeva ï.á., Galeeva á.Kh. CHARACTERISTIC OF AGE STRUCTURE OF POPULATIONS HEDYSARUM GRANDIFLORUM PALL (FABACEAE) IN THE PRE-URALS OF BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC [№ 10 ' 2013] Description of state of rare species Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall. (Fabaceae) 4 populations in the pre-Urals of Bashkortostan Republic studed in 2012 is given. Description of populations includes age structure, density, some demographic indexes.
Muldashev A.A., Elizar'eva O.A., Maslova N.V., Galeeva A.Kh. REINTRODUCTION OF THE RARE SPECIES ALLIUM NUTANSšL. IN BOTANICAL NATURE MONUMENT "GUROVSKAYA GORA" IN BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC [№ 6 ' 2013] The article shows the results of the 8-year reintroduction of rare species Allium nutansšL. in the bows of natural monuments "Gurovskaya gora". Compared with seeds reproduction the vegetative reproduction was more efficiently in this study. Currently received by the generation plants of rare species.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |