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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Markova T.O., Repsch N.V., Маslov M.V. ZOOGEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF DIPTREA FAUNA (DIPTERA: TACHINIDAE, PHASIINAE; ANTHOMYIIDAE) OF USSURI RESERV AND ADJACENT AREASAbstract. Tachinid flies of subfamily Phasiinae (Diptera) are specialized parasites of insects (Hemiptera). Most species of Anthomyiidae are phytophages, many of them are agricultural and forestry pests. During the research (1996—2012) in the Ussuri Nature Reserve and adjacent territory 37 species of Phasiinae (Tachinidae) belonging to 17 genera were found. Anthomyiidae fauna consists of 36 species belonging to 19 genera (74 and 64 % of the fauna of Primorye Territory, respectively). The aim of the research was arealogical analysis of Diptera fauna, Tachinidae (Phasiinae) and Anthomyiidae families of Ussuri Nature Reserve and adjacent territory of the South Primorye, which is presented in this paper for the first time. Area classification based on the scheme of globe zoogeographical division by A.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskyi with additions by O.L. Kryzhanovskyi. During conducting the analysis literature was used which gives information on the Diptera distribution in the Palaearctic, data on the Nearctic and Oriental Diptera also took into account. In the subfamily Phasiinae (Tachinidae) 3 zoogeographical complexes were divided. Fauna mainly consists of the Palaearctic species complex (81 % of the total species number in the investigated area). An important feature of the fauna — the presence of East Palaearctic — Oriental species (5.5 %), Palearchaearctic species (8.1 %) and conditional endemics (6.2 %). In the family Anthomyiidae 4 zoogeographical complexes were divided. The fauna is represented by widespread Holarctic and Trans-Palearctic species (80.5 %), the proportion of Eastern-Palearctic and Palearchaearctic species is relatively low (5.6 %). Cosmopolitans and species spread apart from temperate latitudes in the tropics and subtropics make up only 13.9 % of the fauna.Key words: Diptera, Tachinidae, Phasiinae, Anthomyiidae, fauna, parasites, Hemiptera, zoogeographic complexes.


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About this article

Authors: Maslov M.V., Repsh N.V., Markova T.O.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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