Agarkova O.A., Pakhomova A.P. PRAGMATIC ASPECT OF CIVILITY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CIRCULARThe article is dedicated to the civility research in the business written communication from the point of view of pragmatics. The authors define interrelation of civility and etiquette of speaking, grammatical categories, speech acts, modal words. The study of circulars reveals such civility units as nominative appellatives, passive voice constructions, imperatives, declaratives and modal words. The use of these units carries out the civility strategy and such functions in the business written communication as impact, regulating, harmonizing an dpresentation. The research allows to discover the most frequent formula of the speech etiquette functioning in greeting, invitation, request, parting speech acts. The article presents the grammatical categories of the verb used by an addressee for more effective influence upon an addresser. The modal units helping avoid the direct addresser's will, which is one of politeness strategies, are determined.Key words: pragmatic aspect, civility, request, address, imperatives, declaratives, modality, circular.
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About this article
Authors: Pahomova A.P., Agarkova O.A.
Year: 2014
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |