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June 2019, № 3 (221), pages 58-64

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-221-58

Novak M.A. SOCIAL SUCCESS FORMATION OF A TEENAGERThe analysis of definition of social success of the teenager helped me to reveal steady interest of teachers and psychologists to insufficiently studied phenomenon, in relation to those risks of teenagers generation Z (centenials) living in the digital environment and overcoming paradoxes of socialization, acutely experiencing the success or failure in the real and virtual worlds. In my opinion, the experience of failure pushes teenagers to extremes and escapism as a form of withdrawal into gaming and social networks. I believe that it is important to offer teenagers a sample of success in the activities of the children’s international center.
For me, the “grains” of the meanings of many aspects of the concept and as a process, result, state of personality, the totality of objective properties, features and personal qualities became obvious. I see social success as an integrative characteristic of the individual, reflecting a systematic knowledge of the approved norms and attitudes of society to gain experience of socially significant and successful activities. I propose to distinguish the following components in the structure of the concept: axeological (emotional-value attitude to success), epistemological (summarized knowledge about success) and prognostic (focus on productive social interaction that ensures success). The value of formation of social success of the teenager is confirmed in our practice of the children’s international center in the author’s project “Good school” filled with socially oriented practices and creative activity.
Shaping the social success of the individual in adolescence, we see that it is important to start the mechanism of personal self-improvement in the development of resources of time and space of their own life. All this is possible in the environment of professionally competent Tutors who help to prioritize the development of key qualities of a socially successful person.
Key words: social success of the teenager, phenomenality of adolescence, generation Z, socially oriented practices, creativity, children‘s international center.


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About this article

Author: Novak M.A.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-221-58

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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