May 2018, № 5 (217), pages 79-87doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-217-79
Yakupov G.S., Gladysheva Yu.A. USING THE BIOPHYSICAL MATERIAL IN PHYSICS LEARNINGSIn the context of the development of profile education, an important task is to determine the appropriate content of education that would satisfy the cognitive needs of the individual, provide a high level of fundamental preparation for the students, and prepare them for training in a professional school. Today the pedagogical community solves the problems of constructing pro-formal lines of the content of education, for various branches of scientific knowledge. Attempts are being made to provide a holistic representation of the profile content of education through the introduction of subject, interdisciplinary and integrative courses, the realization of cognitive activities characteristic of this or that branch of scientific knowledge and practical activity, the formation of creative types of cognitive activity, etc. is purposefully carried out. We have developed a theory of methodology that allows to model the whole content of the natural-science profile in various types of general education institutions, taking into account the abilities and abilities of students. The consequences of this theory allow us to reveal the diversity of means and ways to achieve various levels of integrity of the content of natural science education. One of such means of increasing the level of integrity of the content of natural science education is the adaptation of synthesized sciences to the educational process of the institution. Formed as independent systems of knowledge with its structure and content, synthesized objects have a great cognitive and heuristic potential, they connect different subject systems of natural science cognition. It is known that science has a certain structure of knowledge and the logic of considering the object of knowledge. In the structure of natural science cognition it is possible to distinguish factorial, conceptual, theoretical and worldview levels of cognition of nature, and in relation to these levels, to present the content of the synthesis of physical and biological knowledge. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the solution of the cardinal problem of the correlation of the physical and biological forms of the motion of matter lies in the way of the synthesis of physical and biological ideas about living and non-living matter. This synthesis can be realized in the educational process at various levels, depending on the type and type of educational institution. The expediency of the introduction of biophysics into the educational process is actualized by meeting the need for profile education of students interested in natural science, having a certain style of thinking, and a clearly expressed objective orientation of behavior.Key words: physics, biology, natural science picture of the world, professional orientation of students.
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About this article
Authors: Yakupov G.S., Gladysheva Yu.A.
Year: 2018
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-217-79
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |