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June 2016, № 6 (194)

Gasanova G.A. HEROES OF THE NOVEL OF L. TOLSTOY "ANNA KARENINA" IN "LITERARY THOUGHTS" OF E. EFENDIEVAThe choice of a subject of article is caused by the problems of a domestic komparativistika aimed at studying of these or those forms of an interliterary continuity. The speech, in particular, goes about perception and spiritual communication with the art world of Tolstoy, namely reception of "the family novel" in the book of the famous writer-playwright E. Efendiyev. Creativity of the great realist, his searches of truth and attitude were close also to the Azerbaijani prose writer. The moral representations which are the cornerstone of author's interpretation have exerted impact and on interpretation ofessence of artistic images. Reflections of the writer about "the family saga" — features of a perspective, the ideological and art party, heroes have found reflection in numerous sketches, separate records and the mini-essay. These are some kind of "sparkles of inspiration" which have arisen spontaneously, unexpectedly. They demonstrate beneficial influence and deep impact of the novel of Tolstoy on consciousness and a world view of the Azerbaijani writer and indisputable value of classics in modern art creativity. Thus, this research promotes expansion of our ideas of literary interaction and cross-cultural art dialogue.Key words: heroes of the novel, literary thoughts, "dialogue with itself", "others blood", dramatic nature of the novel, the great psychologist.


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About this article

Author: Gasanova G.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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