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May 2016, № 5 (193)

Nemtseva N.V., Gorbunova O.S., Bogoutdinov D.Z., Savin E.Z., Malenkova O.V. TO THE QUESTION OF WITHERING OF BLACKCURRANTIn certain regions of the Russian Federation and abroad mass withering of blackcurrant is observed in the last decade (Ribes nigrum L.). The area of distribution and injuriousness of a disease includes the Voronezh, Orenburg, Rostov regions, the Lower Volga and Central Volga area, regions of East Ukraine (The Kharkiv, Donetsk regions) and Northwest Kazakhstan. There is evidence that the death of R. nigrum may be caused by fungi of the genus Verticillium and Fusarium and Alternaria. In this regard, in recent years is the study of the mycological component of this culture. The aim of this work was the comparative characterization of complexes of microscopic fungi that live on trunks, roots, leaves of black currant. The results of studies in damaged plants revealed the presence of three genera of fungi — Fusarium, Alternaria, Verticillium. In addition, in some cases, discovered nematodes and spider mites, whose role is not installed. Comparing the received data with the temperature regime of the territory of the Orenburg region showed the greatest peak of microscopic fungi pathogenicity for R. nigrum in the period July — August. It is expected that wilt currant bushes initiated phytoplasma infection and subsequent contamination of fungi.The received results allow to specify the stages of the research and determine the methods of prevention and therapy of wilt blackcurrant.Key words: blackcurrant, microscopic fungi Fusarium, Alternaria, Verticillium, conidia.


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About this article

Authors: Nemtseva N.V., Gorbunova O.S., Bogoutdinov D.Z., Savin E.Z., Malenkova O.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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