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January 2016, № 1 (189)

Korovin S.S., Akimov S.A., Glazina T.A. METHODICAL BASES OF MANAGEMENT OF SPORTS EDUCATION IN FORMATION OF PHYSICAL CULTURE OF THE PERSONALITYEducational activity of modern school rather many-sided concerning formation of the personality and her culturological characteristics. This activity is difficult in the current social and economic conditions causing the modern contingent of pupils, their physical development, a condition of material base. All this causes relevance of mastering the teacher of system of knowledge and abilities in the sphere of management of process of physical education. It is established that management process consists of the following stages: 1) data collection and processing about object of management of physical education; 2) diagnosis of its state and forecast of activity; 3) establishment of the purpose of sports and sports activity; 4) adoption of the administrative decision; 5) planning of process of physical education; 6) development of its contents; 7) the organization of sports and sports activity in formation of physical culture of the personality; 8) control of educational activity; 9) collecting and processing of results of educational activity; 10) correction of the purpose and decision. After the analysis of results of educational activity at the 9th stage, correction of the purpose at the 10th stage, the cycle of management is almost completely repeated, since 4 stages moving to a new qualitative level. Identification of stages of administrative activity of the teacher of physical culture will allow to reach an optimum level of formation of physical culture of the identity of pupils. Thus the main factor of ensuring quality of management is interaction of participants of physical education, their mutual understanding, an interconsistency and mutually interest.Key words: technique, management, physical culture, education, formation, personality.


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About this article

Authors: Korovin S.S., Akimov S.A., Glazina T.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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