Demchenko L.V. THE NATURE AND SPECIFICITY BANKING RISKS Ensuring system stability in the monetary and credit sphere, and including assistance to stable development of bank mediation is impossible without understanding of the economic and legal nature, level and borders of bank risks. In this regard, actual is a question deeply and comprehensive study of the contents, specifics of bank risk (threat), scientific concepts of its development, understanding of functions and forms of manifestation of bank risk in the economic relations. Research of theoretical concepts of risk allows to allocate the main key directions: the classical concept (a risk ratio with probability of approach of an adverse event); the neoclassical concept (a risk ratio with uncertainty, or activity in the conditions of uncertainty). Idea of bank risk in many respects remains conformable to interpretation of risk in business activity of the subject. Equating of the concepts "risk" and "threat" since bank risks constantly are present at activity of bank owing to its enterprise (commercial) nature is contradictory, and threats result from illegal infringement of the subject of safety of bank (basic inadmissibility of threats from a position of criminal law). As to economic concept characteristic features, such as alternativeness, uncertainty, discrepancy that demands reflection of similar specifics and in definition of bank risk are inherent in risk. The understanding of essence of bank risk at the general-theoretical level is carried out from a position of economy, philosophy, sociology, affecting specific functions, the subjective and objective parties of this phenomenon. The essence of bank risk is expressed by means of its main functions, such as innovative, regulatory, protective, analytical. The subjestive-objective nature of bank risk is shown in type and structure of the market, a legal status of bank, activity scale, administrative and organizational structure, a decision-making level of responsibility by the personified staff of the credit organization taking into account an economic, legal, social orientation of activity of bank. Thus, despite the accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge in the sphere of a riskologiya which is available a divergence in understanding of the nature of bank risks demand further researches, including owing to influence of world financial crises, growth of requirements to management of financial risks from the state regulators.Key words: risk, bank risk, economic and legal nature of bank risk, threat.
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About this article
Author: Demchenko L.V.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |