Markova ô.ï., Hovrina á.V., Bykovskaya N.V., Maslov M.V. USING THE ACTIVITY APPROACH AT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON BIOLOGY IN COREIDAE (HEMIPTERA) STUDYING [№ 1 ' 2020] An active approach to learning is provided in the process of working with reliance on internal incentives and the maintenance of educational motivation and makes it possible to move to a relatively active and performing active (creative) level. This can be achieved by setting problematic creative tasks and specific tasks, during which students understand the material of the topic, enrich the experience and knowledge of scientific researchers. Thus, new knowledge is remembered by using to solve the set educational tasks, and interested students receive additional information. They show interest in the subject, read special literature, expanding their knowledge in the field of biology, while the development of abilities takes into account individual characteristics. To achieve the result, the teacher needs to provide a psychologically comfortable climate that contributes to the activation of cognitive activity of students, their inclusion in the work and the development of independence. We have presented the author’s development of an event for secondary schools using an activity-based approach to teaching biology. Tasks: selection of a relevant research topic, collection of collection and photo material, familiarization with literary sources on the ecology of the regional fauna, development of methods for conducting the event, generalization of the results. Such classes contribute to the formation of the student’s personality, his communicative preparedness, cognitive skills, interest and a positive attitude towards learning, creative thinking. The information presented can be used by biology teachers as a local history material in secondary schools as a regional component of the educational program.
Markova ô.ï., Repsh N.V., íÁslov í.V., Sakhnov á.S. THE USE OF THE RESEARCH METHOD WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ENTOMOLOGY COURSE FOR STUDENTS OF NATURAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION [№ 1 ' 2019] The principal difference in the standards of the new generation is their reliance on the activity component of educational content, which determines its innovativeness and modernity. Nowadays, the organization of studies, which involves the active independent activity of students under the guidance of a teacher, becomes more and more necessary. Problem-based learning can be carried out in the form of a part-search activity of students with the participation of a teacher during seminars and laboratory classes; self-study under the guidance of a teacher when writing essays; when performing research work in scientific circles and industry laboratories; when writing term papers and diploma projects. We have developed a laboratory lesson using a problem teaching method — a research method in the course “Entomology” for students of natural science of higher education. At the lesson, students were offered to study parasitic insects on the example of an extensive group of Tachinid flies (Diptera, Tachinidae), whose representatives are not well studied in the Far East and are important in biological control of insects — pests of agriculture and forestry. Inclusion in research activity allows revealing the essence of the phenomena studied, contributes to the development of logical thinking, motivation of educational activity, ability for independent creative research and determines growth, both professionally and personally. The presented information can be used as a study of local lore material in universities with departments of biological orientation and secondary schools, as well as biology teachers.
íÁrkova ô.ï., Mrikot á.ë., Gluschenko Yu.N. METHODS OF STUDYING THE NESTING OF ORIENTAL WHITE STORK CICONIA BOYCIANA SWINHOE, 1873 FOR STUDENTS OF BIOLOGICAL SPECIALITIES OF HIGH SCHOOLS [№ 6 ' 2018] Oriental White Stork Ciconia boyciana Swinhoe, 1873 (Ciconiiformes, Aves)š— rare species included in the 1st category of Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and Primorsky Krai. Data on classification, distribution, migration, features of the organization, a way of life, ecology, biology, behavior, reproduction and development of the Oriental White Stork are used in the course of disciplines: “Zoology of vertebrates”, “Land vertebrates of the Far East”, “Ornithology”; territorial and legal protection are used in the course of discipline “Especially protected natural territories and species”. The main factor limiting the number of the Oriental White Stork is the shortage of large trees necessary for the placement of nests. Since the second half of the last century was marked by a gradual transition to the nesting of this species on artificial structuresš— nonresidential buildings, supports of power lines passing nearby forage habitat, and since 1996 in the Prikhankaiskaya Lowland storks nest and on special supports, installed on the territory of the nature reserve Khankaisky” and its buffer zone. The paper summarizes the literature data, as well as the author’s data for the period from 2014 to 2017. The Area of work covered about 50% of the territory of Primorsky Krai, which previously noted the nesting of the Oriental White Stork and about 80% of the transmission towers potentially suitable for the placement of its nests. The length of automobile routes year was about 2š500škm, walking about 200škm in the surveyed area was found 19 occupied nests of Oriental White Stork.
Markova T.O., Bolovtsov E.N., Mrikot A.K. ADAPTATION OF THE BUGS INFRAORDER GERROMORPHA IN THE SECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGY COURSE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL [№ 3 ' 2018] In the Primorsky Territory of the Far East of Russia, to date, 77šspecies of amphibious Heteroptera from 25šgenera belonging to 15šfamilies and 4šinfraorders have been identified. In the Primorye Territory, 22šspecies of the infraorder Gerromorphaš— Mesoveliidae (5), Hebridae (1), Hydrometridae (1), Veliidae (2), Gerridae (13šspecies) were identified. The aim of the research was to get acquainted with the evolutionary history and peculiarities of adaptation features of bedbugs of the infraorder Gerromorpha on the example of the predecessors of modern water-meter; consolidation of knowledge about the structure and adaptations of amphibious Heteroptera by the example of representatives of the infraorder Gerromorpha. The work includes the development of a lecture and seminar session on the topic: “The study of the evolutionary history and adaptations of bedbugs of the infraorder Gerromorpha”; “Study of the Heteroptera infraorder Gerromorpha” with the use of active learning methods. The presented material can be included in the course of disciplines “Zoology of invertebrates” and “Entomology” in higher education, and also used by biology teachers as a regional component of the educational program.
Nikitin A.Y., Markova I.V., Lebedev S.V., Meshcheryakov A.G., Klychkova M.V. INFLUENCE OF ENZYME PREPARATIONS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL OF BROILER CHICKENS ON THE BACKGROUND OF REPLACING THE GRAIN PART OF WHEAT WITH TRITICALE [№ 8 ' 2017] It is very important in feeding birds to maximize the use of traditional feed. However, their use can adversely affect the metabolism and productivity of poultry due to the high content of anti-nutrients in them. For the best digestibility of difficult fissionable components of mixed fodders, it is expedient to use exogenous enzyme preparations. The issue of the indisputable positive effect of enzyme preparations Avizim, Natufos and Ronozym on the growth, physiological state and metabolism of broiler chickens when 15š% of wheat is replaced by 15š% triticale is studied. With the introduction of drugs decreased feed intake from 2.1 to 12.1š%, the maximum values when using Ronozym, the minimum — Avizima. A sufficiently high level of metabolic processes in the broiler organism also against the background of the introduction of the preparation Natufos and Ronozym was characterized by high indices in comparison with intact animals by 13.8–15.0š%. In studies, a feature in the digestibility of feed nutrients, expressed in a depression of digestibility of organic matter by 1.7š% in group I and maximum figures (78.61š%) when using Roozim. The detailing of the indices testifies to the marked superiority of the II and III experimental groups over the control ones, the difference in raw protein was 1.1 and 3.3š% (pš˜š0.05), for raw fat 0, and 2.2š% (pš˜š0, 05), respectively. The use of Avizima does not significantly affect the digestibility of the main nutrients of the feed, which puts it in the category not effective when used in the triticale diet.
Markova T.O., íÁslov M.V., Repsh N.V., Bolovtsov E.N., Gulyaeva V.A. METHODS OF COLLECTING AND KEEPING OF INSECTSš— POTENTIAL HOSTS OF TACHINIDAE (DIPTERA) IN THE PRIMORYE TERRITORY OF THE FAR EAST OF RUSSIA [№ 3 ' 2017] Tachinidae (Diptera)š— a group of parasitic insects, which in accordance with the modern classification includes four subfamilies: Exoristinae, Tachininae, Dexiinae, Phasiinae. Insects of 6šorders: Orthoptera, Dermaptra (adult); Coleoptera (larvas and adult); Lepidoptera (larvas); Hymenoptera (larvas); Diptera (larvas) comprising more than 40šfamilies are masters of Tachinidae subfamily Exoristinae, Tachininae and Dexiinae in the Primorye Territory of the Far East of Russia. Tachinidae of the subfamily Phasiinae are specialized insect pests of the order Heteroptera (adult, larvas less), including 5šfamilies. The study of the fauna Tachinidae and trophic relations in the larval stage is of great scientific and practical importance in the fight against insectsš— pests of agriculture and forestry. Field methods collection of insects for the purpose of their study, as well as raising of parasites-entomophagous are defined tasks, confined to the habitat types, daily activity and other factors. However, in each particular case requires the development of private methods that take into account statsialnuyu attachment of species at different stages of development, especially the daily activity in a variety of systematic-economic groups, the climatic conditions in a particular region, trophical selectivity insects at concentrations their in laboratory and field conditions with the aim of raising of parasites. The data of information about the hosts of Tachinidae (Diptera) in the Primorye Territory of the Far East of Russia are showed in the article. The literature and our own information on the methods of collection and maintenance of insects of different taxonomic groups with the aim of raising Tachinidae and collecting the resulting material for its further determination are generalized.
Markova T.O., Repsh N.V., íÁslov M.V., Egorenchev S.E. PROBLEMS OF BEEKEEPING AND DISEASES OF BEES IN DALNERECHENSK REGION (PRIMORYE TERRITORY, RUSSIAN FAR EAST) [№ 4 ' 2016] The main problems of beekeeping in Dalnerechensk region of Primorye territory (Russian Far East) are low demand and low purchasing prices for honey and bee products; strengthening the anthropogenic pressure on the natural landscape; weight-staff deforestation, accompanied by the destruction of the most valuable honey plants (Tilia amurensis Rupr., T.šmandshurica Rupr., T.štaquetii C.K.šSchneid.); damage of forests and the strong defeat of trees crowns by caterpillars of Lymantria disparšL. In Dalnerechensk region dangerous parasitic diseases of bees are varroatoz caused by ticks of the genus Varroa Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) and askosferoz caused by a parasitic fungus Ascosfera apis. Honeydew toxicosis, pollen toxicosis and nectar toxicosis are diseases of adult bees, bee-breadwinner and brood, which arise as a result of power honeydew honey or honeydew, pollen of Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ligustrina amurensis Rupr., Aconitumšsp., Veratrumšsp., poisonous nectar plants of Ligustrina amurensis Rupr., Ledum palustrešL., Veratrumšsp., Aconitumšsp., Alliumšsp. For the prevention and treatment of varroatoz and askosferoz in summer cut honeycomb with drone brood; in autumn family is treated with insecticides and fungicides. For the prevention of honeydew toxicosis before wintering bees removed from the hives of honey greater number and replace it with sugar syrup, families spend an early show for the cleaning flyby. For the prevention of pollen toxicosis and nectar toxicosis the mass flowering of poisonous plants it is recommended to feed the bees with liquid sugar or honey syrup. Radical measure is the removal of bees from areas where the disease is common.
Markova T.O., Repsch N.V., íÁslov M.V. ZOOGEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF DIPTREA FAUNA (DIPTERA: TACHINIDAE, PHASIINAE; ANTHOMYIIDAE) OF USSURI RESERV AND ADJACENT AREAS [№ 6 ' 2015] Abstract. Tachinid flies of subfamily Phasiinae (Diptera) are specialized parasites of insects (Hemiptera). Most species of Anthomyiidae are phytophages, many of them are agricultural and forestry pests. During the research (1996—2012) in the Ussuri Nature Reserve and adjacent territory 37šspecies of Phasiinae (Tachinidae) belonging to 17 genera were found. Anthomyiidae fauna consists of 36šspecies belonging to 19šgenera (74 and 64š% of the fauna of Primorye Territory, respectively). The aim of the research was arealogical analysis of Diptera fauna, Tachinidae (Phasiinae) and Anthomyiidae families of Ussuri Nature Reserve and adjacent territory of the South Primorye, which is presented in this paper for the first time. Area classification based on the scheme of globe zoogeographical division by A.P.šSemenov-Tyan-Shanskyi with additions by O.L.šKryzhanovskyi. During conducting the analysis literature was used which gives information on the Diptera distribution in the Palaearctic, data on the Nearctic and Oriental Diptera also took into account. In the subfamily Phasiinae (Tachinidae) 3šzoogeographical complexes were divided. Fauna mainly consists of the Palaearctic species complex (81š% of the total species number in the investigated area). An important feature of the faunaš— the presence of East Palaearcticš— Oriental species (5.5š%), Palearchaearctic species (8.1š%) and conditional endemics (6.2š%). In the family Anthomyiidae 4 zoogeographical complexes were divided. The fauna is represented by widespread Holarctic and Trans-Palearctic species (80.5š%), the proportion of Eastern-Palearctic and Palearchaearctic species is relatively low (5.6š%). Cosmopolitans and species spread apart from temperate latitudes in the tropics and subtropics make up only 13.9š% of the fauna.
Bolshakov V.N., Zagainova O.S., Markova E.A., Markov N.I. MAMMALS IN DIET OF ASIAN BADGER (MELES LEUCURUS) OF URALS AND WESTERN SIBERIA [№ 10 ' 2013] Food remains of badger (Meles leucurus) was studies in 5 study areas in taiga, forest-steppe and steppe ecosystems of Urals and Western Siberia. Highest number of mammal species was observed in northern forest-steppe and southern taiga, minimal — in the mountains of the Southern Urals. In most study areas common field voles (genus Microtus) were dominant among mammals in badger diet. High proportion of juveniles among voles indicates that digging the burrows is for badger an important method of hunting the small mammals.
Markova T.O., Manchela K.A. TACHINIDAE (DIPTERA) — PARASITES OF LYMANTRIIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA) OF PRIMORYE TERRITORY [№ 6 ' 2013] Data on the Tachinidae (Diptera) — parasites of preimaginal stages of Lymantriidae (Lepidoptera) of Primorye territory. 28 species of 3 subfamily Tachinidae (Exoristinae; Tachininae, Dexiinae) parasitize in Lymantriidae.
Kulapina G.M., Markova O.V. IMPORTANCE AND GENERAL FACTORS OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FORMING AT AN ENTERPRISE [№ 5 ' 2006] The key factors of success at modern enterprise management are not general funds and finance but the system of knowledge, which personnel of organization have and use in its activity. The most important knowledge for competition of different types organizations, factors complex, putting at the base of enterprise knowledge management system construction, peculiarities of this system for small and middle enterprises, are given in this article. This article can be useful for teachers, post-graduate students, students, interested in peculiarities of modern Russian management, and also for leaders and specialists of enterprises.
Markova T.N. ABOUT SOME SIDES OF DEVELOPMENT NARRATIVE IN FICTION OF LATE 20-TH CENTURY [№ 8 ' 2002] The author characterizes the relation between a narrative and modern artistic consciousness. Narrative as particular form of literature serves reliable instrument on the stylish analysis of modern novels. The researcher's attention is concentrated on the analisis of structural and semantic elements inherent in a narrative. The actualization of latter reveals new meanings in the novels of late 20-th century.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |