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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Smekalov I.V., Shleiuk S.G. STYLING AND INTERPRETATION OF STYLE IN THE PROVINCEThe basis for the formation of artistic style are social, economic and political factors that make building a new system of views on the concept of beauty and harmony, is finding a new form that is fundamentally different from the standards and canons of the previous style. The most active style manifests itself in the centers of culture of the capital and major cities. Shape, material and artistic culture of great style, penetrating into the province and going through the adaptation period, naturally organically transformed by exposure to the environment. Is the formation of regional provincial style with its creative techniques and methods, local means of expression while maintaining the commonality shaped style system and the unity of the ideological and artistic content. This process requires extensive research. The article contains the analysis of the terminology of the concept of "style", the list of authors dealing with the problem of style formation. The process of penetration in the form of architecture, design and decorative arts of the elements, motifs, echoes of folk and national culture of a particular area. Determined that under the influence of environment, shape, material and artistic culture are transformed, enriched with elements of local traditions, in search of individual provincial artistic image. In fact, the process of stylization and artistic interpretation of the style. The process of penetration in the form of architecture, design and decorative arts of the elements, motifs, echoes of folk and national culture of a particular area. Determined that under the influence of environment, shape, material and artistic culture are transformed, enriched with elements of local traditions, in search of individual provincial artistic image. In fact, the process of stylization and artistic interpretation of the style. Regional provincial style is characterized by its heterogeneity. Here is the importance of social belonging architectural building or decorative object associated, including its geographical location within the village. Note that in the provincial structure is most often used not the whole set of artistic style methods, but only those that can be reproduced in the specific context of a specific material, that is, in the process of adaptation to the environment is natural selection of decorative elements.Every country town has its individual culture in the overall metasystem great culture of the country, the culture of style. In this particular value the province of art, which is why it is necessary to maintain and continue to develop.Key words: style, stylization, province, artistic interpretation, architecture, design, decorative arts.


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About this article

Authors: Shleyuk S.G., Smekalov I.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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