Rustanov A.R., Kharitonova S.V., Каzакоvа О.N. TWO CLASSES OF ALMOST C (λ)-MANIFOLDSAlmost contact metric manifolds have a rich differential geometric structures. The paper deals with almost contact metric manifolds, which are almost c (λ)-manifolds. D. Janssen and L. Vanhecke began investigated of almost c (λ)-manifolds. The curvature tensor is crucial for almost c (λ)-manifolds and curvature identities satisfied by this tensor are very important for understanding the differential geometric properties of almost c (λ)-manifolds. The results obtained in this paper identities expressing additional symmetry properties of the Riemannian curvature tensor of almost c (λ)-manifolds, allow to solve an actual problem of classifying almost c (λ)-manifolds, namely, to distinguish the class CR1 and CR2-class almost c (λ)-manifolds. We obtain the following identities curvature almost manifold. Key words: almost c (λ)-manifold, cosymplectic manifold, c (λ)-manifold, the Riemannian curvature tensor, Sasakian manifold, manifold Kenmotsu.
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About this article
Authors: Haritonova S.V., Kazakova O.N., Rustanov A.R.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |