Balashevich L.I., Nikulin S.A., Kachanov A.B., Yefimov O.A., Churakov T.K., Zavyalov A.I. TO THE QUESTION OF REFRACTIVE RESULT REGRESSION IN LONG-TERM PERIOD AFTER LASIK SURGERYNowadays LASIK is the most widespread surgical method for myopia correction. But the received refractive result is not always remains resistant. In the long follow-up period after operation substantial growth of a corneal thickness in the central part is observed. The increase in a thickness first of all connected with morphology of the interface between flap and corneal bed. Regress of operation result and its expressiveness depend on initial degree of myopia, time after intervention, and structural changes in operated tissue. Key words: Refractive surgery, long-term results of LASIK, pachymetry, ultrastructural cornea changes.
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About this article
Authors: Efimov O.A., Balashevich L.I., Nikulin S.A., Kachanov A.B., Churakov T.K., Zavyalov A.I.
Year: 2012
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |