Efremov I.V., Kuzmin O.N., Kushnareva O.P., Perekrestova E.N. INTEGRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MIGRATION FEATURES OF SOIL-PLANTS SYSTEMS Abstract. The article considers issues of appraisal of heavy metals migration of in soil-plant systems. The authors present the migration process of metals in soil-plant system as a stationary Markov’s process. On the basis of this approach integral indicator allowing appreciating the soil-plant system on their migratory ability is theoretically justified. The results of the integrated appraisal of soil-plant systems are given in this work. Key words: heavy metals, migration, modeling, soil-plant systems.
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About this article
Authors: Efremov I.V., Kuzmin O.N., Kushnareva O.P., Perekrestova E.N.
Year: 2009
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |