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May 2017, № 6 (206)

Agarkova O.A., Putilina L.V. PRAGMALINGUISTIC FEATURES OF THE APOLOGY FORMULAS IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The anthropocentric approach, being strongly fixed in modern linguistic researches, causes the necessity of studying communicative behaviour of native speakers. The important component of communicative behaviour is the speech act of an apology, playing a significant role in regulation of social interaction. The lexical and grammatical structure of the most common formulas of an apology is a little variable, therefore, the main functional loading lays down on phonetic structure of statements, their material form transferring the chosen tonality of communication in which the communicative purposes and tasks of the speaker are implemented. The speech act of an apology, remedial ritual idiom, being learned pragmatically, comprises intension of an apology and realizes intention of a justification, recognition of own fault, a way to change a negative assessment of the personality. Results of questioning of students philologists of the Orenburg State University have allowed to reveal the most frequent formulas of apologies used at communication with familiar and unfamiliar communicants. Perceptual perceived suprasegment parameters and segment features of the formulas of the Russian speech etiquette, pronounced by speakers of a standard pronunciation (sorry, sorry, forgive, forgive, apologize) expressing polite, very polite and cold impolite communication tonalities have been determined on the basis of a method of the acoustical analysis. Each tonality is characterized by a certain “bunch” of phonetic (melodic, temporary, power and sound) parameters. Phonetic (intonational and sound) signs, marking polite, very polite and impolite tonalities in the sounding speech vary within phonetic norm. Exit for limits of this norm may change a communication tonality. The revealed phonetic means form positive or negative reaction of the interlocutor to the speech act of an apology.Key words: pragmatics, speech act, apology, intonation, intonation functions, communication tonality.


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About this article

Authors: Agarkova O.A., Putilina L.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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