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June 2021, № 3 (231), pages 100-105

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-100

Gladkikh V.G. FUNCTIONAL­TARGET DOMINANTS OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe need to study the independent work of students is due to socio­economic transformations, the development of technologies and unforeseen risks affecting the results of vocational education. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to specify the priorities of independent work of university students.
Independent work is considered as an integral way of training a competent employee, implemented in the unity of classroom and extracurricular forms of activity. The characterized tasks of the professional context, level tasks and problem situations are an effective tool for its formation. The students ‘ mastering of the algorithm of independent work in extracurricular conditions is initially carried out in the classroom form and is accompanied by the methodical guidance of the teacher. Of particular importance in this process is the tutoring activity, which ensures its individualization and the achievement of students ‘ independence as a quality of personality. Electronic educational resources have a certain potential in the formation of independent work of university students.
The functional and target specificity of independent work is characterized by six aspects. The first one includes a focus on personal development and contributes to the improvement of the organizational culture of intellectual work, familiarization with creative activities. The second involves information education and enrichment, embodied in individualized results. The third aspect is aimed at stimulating “professional acceleration”, presented in the perspective vision of oneself in the chosen profession. The fourth involves the education of professionally significant personal qualities in combination with universal, enriching the culture of professional activity. The fifth aspect is characterized by the inclusion of students in research activities, the acquisition of research experience in educational and cognitive activities. Finally, the sixth is focused on learning the experience of control, self­control, self­assessment in the feedback process.
Key words: independent work, content of students ‘independent work, classroom form of independent work, extracurricular form of independent work, functional and target priorities of students’ independent work, electronic educational resources, tutor activity.


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About this article

Author: Gladkih V.G.

Year: 2021

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-231-100

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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