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October 2020, № 5 (228), pages 66-72

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-228-66

Pak L.G. SOCIALIZATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL SOCIETYDigital technologies have a global impact on the socialization of students in the educational organization of higher education. The theoretical and applied aspects of socialization of students in the era of digital society are of interest for study. As a result of the study of scientific literature, I described the phenomenality of the digital generation of students, the features of Net-thinking of “carriers of a new post-innovation reality” and identified risky situations that complicate the process of socialization of students in the era of digital society. The socialization of students in the era of digital society is understood by me as a purposeful process of expanding ideas about the surrounding world, information and social, through students mastering the standards and rules of working with information, mastering the tools of critical understanding and evaluating incoming information flows; developing motivation to build productive communication and team-individual interaction in online and offline worlds; formation of skills of social and behavioral competencies correlated with realization of optimal methods of self-education, self-realization, self-improvement in open information space. The study of the conceptual field of definition and features of the modern generation of students allowed me to substantiate the conceptual positions of socialization of university students in the era of digital society, correlated with the priority areas of pedagogical science and practice. They include: learning through action in new educational media formats and social reality; competent component in training — formation of digital competencies in the cross-cutting axis of social and professional competencies; Activation and initiation of mixed forms of learning. The conceptual provisions of socialization of students in the era of digital society are reflected in the development and testing of the option “Socialization navigation of a student in the media space of a digital society” using mixed forms of training, the potential of the Moodle electronic information educational environment, which updates the value of responsible cultural education, meaning formation, norm-setting, self-regulatory behavior in the digital information environment to expand the sphere of optimal integration of students into modern society.Key words: digital society, digital technologies, socialization, students, educational process of the university, risky situations of socialization, interactive online and offline interactions.


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About this article

Author: Pak L.G.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-228-66

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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