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August 2020, № 4 (227), pages 6-10

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-227-6

Bakieva D.A. THE DEVELOPMENT SPECIFICS OF OPEN SOCIO-CULTURAL SPACE IN PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITYThe article attempts to formulate the substantiation of the phenomenon of open sociocultural space, traditionally interpreted as endless, both chaotic and structured, continuous interaction of communication systems. A communication system is understood as any subject of communication, be it a person, an educational institution, an Internet resource, etc. Their connections, interweaving of connections, diversity give rise to an open socio-cultural space. In other words, an open sociocultural space is a set of communications of various levels of complexity and different types. The integrated communication model is aimed at the development of an open sociocultural space. The key task of the integrated communication model is to build in an open socio-cultural space “nodal points of communication” with different subjects of communication on the basis of some socially and personally significant issue or problem. In this case, the open socio-cultural space appears not as an endless field of potential opportunities, but as a “marked” field of an individual's activity, which makes it possible to translate opportunities into a specific activity and a specific result. The organization of educational activities, however, is possible only if a number of pedagogical conditions for the development of an open socio-cultural space are observed. Also, the development of an open socio-cultural space by a person is regulated by basic principles that make it possible to update it in accordance with the educational request. The personality in this case is the “customer” of the educational product, and the educational process most fully provides the task of transforming an individual into a personality. Thus, an open socio-cultural space must be positioned as a diverse educational resource that transforms depending on the educational task.Key words: Open sociocultural space, model of integrated communication, communication, subject-subject relations, personality, pedagogical activity.


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About this article

Author: Bakieva D.A.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-227-6

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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