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April 2018, № 4 (216), pages 115-123

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-216-115

Posokhova S.T., Didenko E.Ya., Ivatovich K.А. HUMOR IN THE REPRESENTATION OF ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR PARENTSHumor is regarded as one of the signs of the holistic functioning family. Representation of humor in the family disclosed on the basis of analysis of his personal sense of style characteristics of emotionally expressive response to family comical situations of children and adolescents and their parents. Symmetrical conducted a study involving 82 adolescents and their mothers. With the help of psychodiagnostical techniques shows that in the family fold common to its members in the representation of the boundaries of humor. The consistency of representations of humor among adolescents and their mothers is reflected in the understanding of humor as a source of positive emotions and laughter, in the overall assessment of expressive and emotional circle of family situations as comical, in absence of clear style characteristics of humor. Teens and their mothers tend to selectively perceive humor and comical situations, aiming to generate humour on themselves and others.
At the same time reflect the differences in the representation of semantic, emotionally expressive and stylistic characteristics of humor in children-teenagers and mothers, which is important for maintaining family homeostasis. Teens are more likely than mothers to formally approach the definition of sense of humor, pay more attention to its external expressive side of laughter. Sensitivity to adolescent humor less evident than their mothers. They are less than confident in her mother’s tendency to joke and laugh at myself. At the heart of the disagreement lies socio-cultural uniqueness of life of different generations. Dissonance representations associated with age and personal characteristics of the children and parents, as well as with a wealth of life experiences of each Member of the family and family functioning as an integrated system.
Key words: humor, humor, consistency in the representation of the constellations, a humorous family background, family system, teen parents.


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About this article

Authors: Posohova S.T., Didenko E.Ya., Ivatovich K.A.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-216-115

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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