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January 2018, № 1 (213), pages 77–83

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213-77

Usova L.B., Shakirova D.U. PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT THE “MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES” TRAINING PROGRAMIn modern education the key role in bachelors training is played by the practice-oriented approach. It means that the content of mathematical disciplines of the main educational program must provide the university graduate not only with a set of knowledge in the corresponding subject domain and also with a possibility of their application for the solution of professional tasks. According to this approach the quality of mathematical training of future professional must form his mathematical competence. In the course of realization of the practice-oriented approach and on the basis of the analysis of FSES HE of the “Mathematics and computer sciences” bachelor training program, the differentiated complex of tasks on types of professional activity (research, production and technological, organizational and administrative, pedagogical) and on complexity levels was used. The developed practice-oriented tasks promoted the formation of abilities to analyze, synthesize, to abstractly think, generalize mathematical material, to solve applied problems in the field of the protected information and telecommunication technologies and systems at bachelors. Practice-oriented approach to bachelors training makes a basis of formation of mathematical competence, being a basic component of professional competence. Process of the solution of the practice-oriented tasks contributes not only to the development of practical and independent activities of bachelors, but also to the increase in their creative potential, to the formation of the professional demanded in labor market.Key words: mathematical competence, practice-oriented approach, types of professional activity, mathematical disciplines, the practice-oriented tasks.


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About this article

Authors: Usova L.B., Shakirova D.U.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-213-77

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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