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October 2017, № 10 (210)

Vitvitskaya L.A., Miroshnikova D.V. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BACHELOR'S CREATIVITY IN PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICEThe need of modern society in a new teacher, ready for the development of innovative educational technologies, to the constant search for new forms of education, actualizes the importance of developing creativity as a professionally significant quality of the teacher's personality, which determines its success, relevance, competitiveness and professional development potential. The search for the conditions for the development of the creativity of the higher education school begins with the content of the Professional Standard of the Teacher and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the Generation 3+, in which the creative activity and the creative competence of the bachelor are determined. Creativity of the teacher is manifested in professional activities based on various types of pedagogical interaction, solving creative tasks at the methodological, pedagogical, educational, educational and innovation levels. The potential of pedagogical practice in the development of creativity is determined: first, the content of competences that the bachelor must master in the process of pedagogical practice; secondly, the research, design and analytical activities implemented by the bachelor in pedagogical practice; thirdly, the development of pedagogical thinking and cognitive creative activity of bachelors at the expense of obtaining the primary experience of professional pedagogical activity. Development of the bachelor's creativity in the process of pedagogical practice provides the following components: organizational, vocational-motivational, methodological-theoretical, methodical-practical, purposeful interaction, creative, reflective and action-oriented. They together create a set of conditions for the development of cognitive, activity and motivational indicators of the bachelor's creativity in pedagogical practice. One of the means of development of the bachelor's creativity is the solution of creative methodical and professionally oriented tasks aimed at developing methodical thinking and actualization of professional self-awareness, which together provided the development of the bachelor's creativity in the process of pedagogical practice.Key words: creativity, pedagogical practice, higher education, professional development, professional interaction, creative development.


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About this article

Authors: Vitvitskaya L.A., Miroshnikova D.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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