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October 2017, № 9 (209)

Miroshnikova E.P., Kvan O.V., Sergeeva V.A., Miroshnikova M.S. THE INFLUENCE OF PROBIOTIC PREPARATIONS AND NANOCOPPER ON THE HEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF BLOOD OF CHICKENSThe provision of microbiota in the chemical elements is solved through the introduction in the diet of mineral salts of the individual trace elements and their complexes. However, with the development of nanotechnology was more suitable to combine giving probiotics in conjunction with ultrafine preparations of trace elements. Studied the combined use of the probiotic Vetom 1.1. (Bacillus subtilis strain 7092) and ultrafine particles of copper (Cu) (d = 55 nm ± 15 nm) on chickens-broilers cross “Smena 8”. The control group received the basic diet, I experienced in addition to the basic diet received ODC Cu at a dosage of 1.7 mg/kg diet, a II — nano Cu (1.7 mg/kg of feed) and Vetom 1.1. (Bacillus subtilis strain 7092), in the dose of 1.5 mg/kg of feed. As follows from the data of the joint feeding of the two drugs was accompanied by a significant increase in the content of total protein in blood serum, the growth parameters of glucose. Moreover, the combined effect of the drugs was accompanied by a significant rise in the blood levels of lymphocytes and leucocytes. The combined effect of the two drugs in contrast to the group receiving only probiotic, characterized by increase in ALT. While feeding, Vetom was associated with a decrease in this indicator. The level of creatine kinase at the age of 28 days was significantly increased in the II experimental group. The carried out researches allow to assume the perspective sharing nano Cu and probiotic preparation.Key words: nanoparticles, probiotic, blood morphology and biochemistry.


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About this article

Authors: Serdaeva V.A., Miroshnikova E.P., Kvan O.V., Miroshnikova M.S.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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