Gostev A.N., Kobseva N.I., Ivanova O.A. TEACHING KONFLIKTOGENS E-LEARNING IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL STUDIESIn an era of innovation modern society received a new tool for its movement towards a more perfect existence — digital technology. Digital means of finding, selecting, collecting, storing, processing, aggregation, sharing, information dissemination improved means of production, modernize all spheres of human activity, including education. Electronic means of information sharing technology allows to update all forms of learning, greatly facilitate access to human resources, public knowledge of how to create, and destroy. The results of the observation of educational practice show that such training has konfliktogeny system, which inevitably projected onto the culture of vocational training of the Russian youth. The results of the observation of social practice show that all modern states konfliktogeny relayed to the education system. Today, there are so many that without the use of electronic media in teaching, they cannot be effectively and promptly resolved. For example, information technology reduces the standard of training costs, slow down or stop the migration of young people to big cities and more. The article presents a sociological analysis of pedagogical eLearning contentious. One of the key is education and education and the educational process. This conclusion is supported by results of specific sociological studies conducted in 2016 and tested in a number of scientific meetings, including at the international scientific conference “Social engineering Moscow higher education” March 15, 2016. The positive impact of e-learning is directly dependent on three factors: the quality of training of the teaching staff, the reliability and availability of knowledge and motivation of participants of the educational process.Key words: e-learning, konfliktogeny, organization, information, control, tradition, technology, management.
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About this article
Authors: Kobzeva N.I., Gostev A.N., Ivanova O.A.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |