March 2017, № 3 (203), pages 9–14doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-2017-203-3-9-14
Karatayeva T. A. ROLE OF SOCIAL INSTITUTES IN FORMATION OF CIVIL IDENTITY OF MODERN TEENAGERSThe present article is devoted to identification of a role of the main social institutes in formation of civil identity of modern school students as valuable characteristic of their personal development in the conditions of modern information society. Special significance is attached by the author to the education system performing function of socialization in the teenager's life in the context of implementation of Federal state educational standards of the second generation and introduction of system and activity approach in educational process. Formation of civil identity of school students acts as a national objective which solution is assigned to the main public institutes, and therefore can't be carried out at spontaneous combination of circumstances, needing the rational organization. Characterizing influence of a family on formation of civil qualities of children, the author proves a thought of a considerable divergence in understanding of the main categories of the phenomenon of civil identity at adult and young citizens that is explained by distinctions of their gnoseological features. In an assessment of impact of media on formation of civil identity of seniors it is necessary to consider attentively risk of the distorted perception of reality and imposing of an image of the citizen who doesn't have a conscious basis. The author comes to a conclusion about need of realization of axiological and subject approaches in the course of purposeful formation of civil identity of seniors at modern school as education as social institute carries out the state order, being guided by approximate programs for objects and the standards directing to educational activity of teachers on younger generation. It is important to realize the importance of gateway interaction of a family, school, mass media, the immediate environment of teenagers in development of their civil potential, public activity, a subject position. Key words: civil identity, social institute, subjectivity, axiological approach.
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About this article
Author: Karataeva T.A.
Year: 2017
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-2017-203-3-9-14
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |