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April 2016, № 4 (192)

Pavleychik V.M., Mjachina K.V. FEATURES OF SURFACE THERMAL REGIME AFTER STEPPE FIRES BASED ON LANDSAT IMAGESFires are an integral events of the steppe regions. At the same time, a lot of diverse geo-systemic consequences of grass fires still are not studied. Such studies are especially relevant in the conditions of fire events revitalization that observed in the last 15—20 years. The analysis of microclimatic characteristics steppe ecosystems exposed to fires and are in the process of restoration succession is proposed in the article. The main estimated parameter is the surface temperature; its data obtained as a result of "thermal" Landsat bands satellite imagery interpretation. To get any information about the peculiarities of the temperature regime for the burnt areas and the duration of the recovery processes used a series of satellite images that covering the period before and after fires of 2009 and 2014 that was happened in the key area between the Ural and Ilek rivers. Our results that obtained on the basis of post-fire satellite images show the temperature differences usually do not more than 4  °C in the adjacent (burnt and not burnt) areas in the warm seasons of the year and have been declining by the end of the second vegetation year. In addition, it found that the increased thermal background of burnt areas (especially late-autumn fires) in combination with the lack of dense vegetation leads to a drastic reduction in capacity and duration of snow cover, and, respectively, leads to the deterioration of spring moisture conditions. Analysis of the landscape and the territory of habitat structure revealed the main factor determining the duration of recovery processes is a constant high hydration. The proposed studies show the thermal regime of the Earth's surface is one of the indicators that might use as the basis to formulate indirect conclusions about the condition and dynamics of vegetation.Key words: steppe fires, burned area, temperature, recovery processes, Landsat satellite images.


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About this article

Authors: Myachina K.V., Pavleychik V.M.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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