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November 2015, № 13 (188)

Gur'eva V.A., Belova T.K. PROPERTIES OF THE CEMENT MORTARS FIBRE REINFORCED BY THE MODIFIED MICROFIBRE The cement mortars fibre reinforced by fibers fibers are one of perspective constructional materials in construction. Modifying of fibers carbon nanomaterials strengthens structure of a cement stone at various levels therefore the received composite possesses the increased operational properties. However, the fibers today modified weren't widely adopted in view of insufficient study of properties of cement composite materials on their basis. Results of research of properties of the cement mortars fibre reinforced by the basalt microfiber modified (MBM) the carbon nanomodifier are increase of durability of solutions on a bend, decrease in an istirayemost and relative deformation of shrinkage. Introduction of 1 % of MBM of the mass of the knitting leads to increase of durability on a bend to 60 % and to slight increase of durability on compression  — 4 %. Abradability of the cement mortars fibre reinforced by the modified basalt microfiber in comparison with the samples of similar structure dispersno reinforced by usual thin basalt fiber 50,2 % lower. With other things being equal introduction of the modified microfiber promotes decrease in size of relative deformation of shrinkage by 51 %, thus most intensively shrinkage develops in the first 7-10 days of curing. By results of tests it is possible to draw a conclusion that fibre reinforcing of cement mortars the microfiber modified by the carbon nanomodifier promotes improvement of structure of a cement and sand composite. As a result such operational characteristics of cement mortar as improve: durability on a bend, durability on compression, an istirayemost, shrinkage as a result of curing. Key words: fibre reinforcing, cement mortars, the modified microfiber, the carbon nanomodifier, solution durability, an istirayemost, shrinkage deformation.


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About this article

Authors: Guryeva V.A., Belova T.K.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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