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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Putilina L.V. AUTHOR"S MEANS OF EXPRESSION OF INTONATION IN THE FRENCH EMOTIVE PROSEAuthor's means of speech intonation promote linguistic diagnostics of the language personality, that is identification of a psycho-emotional state and social characteristics of the character in the emotive prose. On the basis of these means of marking of intonation adequate interpretation of the emotive prose and a reconstruction of an individual (author's) picture of the world is carried out. Thus, author's means of expression of intonation represent an additional source of data on the super segment potential of language units. In paper the meaning of the term of intonation which is treated as a unity is defined; the functions which are carried out by intonation in the speech and in the text are established; terms of the language personality, the emotive prose are analyzed; the emotional role within the emotive prose is specified. On material of stories of the French writer Franзoise Sagan author's means and ways of transfer of the intonation realizing the emotionally-modal and identifying functions are considered. Author's notes, reactions of the interlocutor, lexical-grammatical and graphic means in the direct speech belong to such means in the emotive prose. The author gives the examples having, as a rule, a dialogue form to illustrate all transferred funds. It is offered to include the phatic and identifying functions in a functional field of intonation together with traditional functions (communicative, emotional, expressional, differentiating, integrating, graphic, etc.). The analysis of the author's means and various components of intonation used F. Sagan allowed to reveal a certain interrelation between lexical-semantic units (phrases with lexemes of tone, a voice, author's comparisons, verbs of the speech, instruction on gestures, mimics and physiological reactions) and intonational parameters (speed, pauses, a timbre, an accent, loudness and a melody).Key words: intonation, functions of intonation, emotions, art text, author's means of expression of intonation.


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About this article

Author: Putilina L.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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