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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Savchenkova E.E., Solopova V.A., Rahimova N.N. THE SLOWED-DOWN FLUORESCENCE AS THE METHOD OF RESEARCH OF CHANGE OF AGROCHEMICAL INDICATORS OF THE SOIL COVER AT HEAT TREATMENT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE STEPPE ZONE OF ORENBURG OBLAST)On the basis of a pilot study the method of research of change of agrochemical indicators of a soil cover of the Steppe zone of Orenburg Oblast at its heat treatment is offered. Sampling of soils when carrying out experiments was carried out by an envelope method on different profiles of the horizons, tests of soils were exposed to heat treatment at temperatures from 200 to 800 °C within 30 min. and were analyzed on installation for registration of the slowed-down fluorescence. Experimental groups of soils were also exposed to the chemical analysis on the maintenance of the main agrochemical indicators. The made experiments showed that for all studied types of soils irrespective of the modes of temperature influence the exponential law of attenuation of fluorescence is carried out, but all types of soils are various on an indicator of intensity of a luminescence and coefficient of attenuation. The soil which is thermally processed in the range from 400 to 600 °C is characterized by the raised maintenance of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, and it рН increases with temperature increase. In work the algorithm of technology of restoration of fertility of the soil at introduction of the calcinated soil as fertilizer is presented, taking into account рН and the maintenance of nutritious elements in it on the basis of which it is possible to carry out melioration and recultivation of the soils broken as a result of an industrial erosion.Key words: ecology, agrosystem, the slowed-down fluorescence, soil.


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About this article

Authors: Savchenkova E.E., Solopova V.A., Rahimova N.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
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