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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Bokov D.A., Neverova P.S., Obidchenko M.P., Senchukova M.A., Shevluk N.N. EXPERIMENTAL MODELING OFTOXIGENIC PATHOLOGYEMBRYOGENESIS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Using patented models of experimental gastric cancer on the subacute formaldehyde chronic intoxication background, it has been studied its effect on the laboratory rats' pregnancy and development of the embryo and fetus.The results reveal a disorder of the volume and direction of the histological and organ differentiation process that determines the subsequent animals' stillbirth. Particularly, histological examination has found that stillborn rats have fetal and even embryonic organs. Their lungs werein the saccular stage of development. Cuboidal epithelium of saccules was not changed on squamous one. Strom was presented by only cellular elements, its elastic fiber component wasn't expressed.Formation of adequate alveolar-vascular relations was delayed.These structural factors contribute to the inability to maintain an effective gas exchange.The kidneys of these animals were on the metanephrogenicblastema stage.The digestive tube was at the epithelial plug stage.In the skeleton there were no centers of ossification.The whole complex morphogenetic phenomena allows to prove unviability of newborn rats: a significant proportion of their stillbirths.At the same time, fertility, the possibility of pregnancy and its parameters are suppressed, that resulting in a decrease in weight and number of newborn rats. Long-term intake of subthreshold concentrations of formaldehyde, caused by the accumulation of the substance in hydro- and edafosfere, proves embriotoxic value of xenobiotic and poor prognosis of pregnancy and the end of gestation, considering carcinogenic effects and cancer of the mother's stomach.Key words: embryogenesis, formaldehyde, germ cells, gonads, fertility, developmental disorders.


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About this article

Authors: Shevlyuk N.N., Bokov D.A., Neverova P.S., Obidchenko M.P., Senchukova M.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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