Romanova O.A., Akberdina V.V., Buhvalov N.U. METHODOLOGY OF HARMONIZATION OF STRUCTURAL TERRITORIAL AND SECTORAL CHANGES IN THE ECONOMIC SYSTEMThe article presents the results of methodological research and its practical implementation concerning with issues of structural harmonization of territorial and sectoral changes in the economic system. The authors discuss a key global trend of a new industrialization. The authors put forward hypotheses about structural stability of regional economic system, formulated certain provisions of the methodology based on the evaluation of resonant response of the economic system to control actions in the form of mechanisms of industrial policy, serving as a catalyst for economic development. As the main approach there is a synergy that includes the resonant methods of management of economic systems. The article presents the experience of the Institute of Economics, Ural branch of RAS on territorial and sectoral integration of socio-economic indicators on the example of the Middle Urals, including the development of criteria, matrix of the pairing and automated software system. The authors proved the fundamental and strategic principles of the methodology of harmonization of territorial and sectoral development, the risks, the elasticities when pairing jobs in the process of formation of the high-tech sector. The authors substantiate the choice of territory for placing of objects of new construction from the viewpoint of its functional applications, which requires consistent implementation of a comprehensive assessment of the relative attractiveness of the territories. This assessment is to determine upon the basis of integration of ratings on individual factors, among which the authors included: the level of engineering arrangement of territory, accessibility, availability and quality of labour resources, level of social infrastructure development, etc. In the article the author presents calculations of the main indicators of placing of objects of new construction and modernization on the territory of the Middle Urals in the two alternative scenarios — the inertial and target. This article was prepared with support from the basic research program of UB RAS № 15-14-7-5 "Regional Economics of the institutions of innovative development".Key words: territorial branch pair, new industrialization, productive jobs.
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About this article
Authors: Buhvalov N.Yu., Romanova O.A., Akberdina V.V.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |